
FRI., FEB. 17, 1989, 6:55 AM

Friends are one of life’s blessings. There are no exact parameters to friendship… no way to prove that a friendship exists. When friendship is declared there is then no way to gauge the depth and quality of that relationship. Feelings of friendship one for another also may vary in the people involved. One may consider a friendship to be a deep and sincere one, while the other may see it as much shallower. Yet I still say that friendship is a major blessing of life.

You were going to write “of earth life,” but that wasn’t what you heard. For friendships that are based firmly in spirit can continue over many manifestations of life, including different “lives” in the earth. However, just as many, if not most, friendships in any earth lifetime do not persist “full-blown” throughout that life, most friendships are situational and part of only one earth life.

If you were “free” to fully consider and appreciate ongoing, everlasting life (and those with whom you associate were also) you would be more aware of “continuing friendships,” for these do tend to persist. As you suspect, some of your present friends have been friends in other “circumstances.” This is one of the main bases for rather instant liking for a person, even rather quick feelings of love and deeper relationship.

In one sense there are no boundaries, requirements, or limitations on friendship. A relative can be a friend… or not. You have some relatives, by “blood” or by marriage who are real friends… and others who are less so… and some not. This has something to do with proximity and common interests, but not entirely. Friends can be older or younger, in the same or different life circumstances, of the same or different temperaments. In some instances likes attract, and in others opposites form and maintain friendships.

In another sense, however, there are imposed barriers to friendship. In any hierarchal organization it is difficult for a friendship to develop between “one who is higher up” and “one who is lower down”. Friendships involving professor and student must overcome such barriers. Fortunately, you have progressed to a senior level that, interestingly, makes friendship easier for you… but, then, more difficult for those younger or who feel the differences in status.

Friends share experiences. Friends interact in relation to common thoughts and activities. Friendship feeds on itself. The more a friendship is “exercised” the potentially deeper it becomes. It isn’t just time together, but time spent really sharing, both good times and bad. The times in which friendships can be broken, even shattered, are also the times in which they can be strengthened.

As I said earlier, the best friendships are those based in spirit. When people are on the same or quite similar spiritual paths friendship is more natural than when paths are divergent. Church friendships are often good and lasting ones, for there is a kinship in a common, professed faith, even if spiritual paths are different. Ah, yes. In one sense friendships are easy, but in another… they can be difficult to really develop.

In Our relationship I call you friend, even from My “lofty seat” as Holy Spirit. You have had the spiritual maturity to accept My offer, and even attest to others that We interact as friends. You know I am your constant companion, and I tell you that you needn’t worry about “what else I’m doing.” Human friendships sometimes falter because one gives her time and attention to other matters. You accept that I am busy with an infinite store of tasks and pursuits, and yet I, as friend, am here as often and as long as you will listen. Many folk, even some who are “better Christians” than you are, could not truly accept Me as a friend. In human relations, this would be hard on Me. I just continue to seek souls to respond, in friendship or in some other way.

FRI., FEB. 17, 1989, 6:55 AM

Friends are one of life’s blessings. There are no exact parameters to friendship… no way to prove that a friendship exists. When friendship is declared there is then no way to gauge the depth and quality of that relationship. Feelings of friendship one for another also may vary in the people involved. One may consider a friendship to be a deep and sincere one, while the other may see it as much shallower. Yet I still say that friendship is a major blessing of life.

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