
JUNE 5, 1979, 6:25 AM

I have showed thee, o man, what is good… what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. Walk humbly with Me, o Bob, and We shall be in friendship. Justice and mercy are other aspects of the spiritual realm; though justice also has become “socialized”, and is supposedly applied without any spiritual meanings, true justice comes only when there is consideration for the spirit, by another spirit.

Friendship came to you as a concept yesterday, with the letter and writings of My servant Jack. Yes, true friendship, which Jesus truly exhibited is an evidence of spiritual health. You are developing the sense, o son, that genuine friendship will come, for you, only with those who also are in friendship with Me. Oh, there will be other friendships, and some of these will also seem good, even without Me. But alas, you will find these harder and harder to maintain. I do want you functioning in both realms, Mine and the world’s, but it will be harder for you to fellowship with those who reject the Spirit. Just a warning.

Friendship is spiritual because, as Jack said, it involves love. It involves thinking of the friend as highly as yourself… and, at times, more highly. Friendship means doing, but don’t forget just being. True friends can just be with each other, knowing, in the spirit, that evidences of that friendship are not necessary. So you “do” for a friend not because you have to, but because you want to. In love something is done, and in love it is accepted. This is how friendship shows for the spirit.

Sexuality is part of friendship, but it is secondary to the friendship. It is an interesting portion of being a friend, possibly troublesome but also possibly quite rewarding.

Yes, there is a block between us this morning. After days of free and flowing communication today you are not hearing well. The message is a good one, but the rhythm is down. Low points come, even in friendships. Your friend speaks less than clearly, and you hear not well. The evidence of the relationship fades. (And this is hard to accept, when it has been strong and vital.) Your motivation to continue is bound to be affected.

This is where the yoga of friendship becomes important… the discipline developed in love. Will you return, when the evidences are scanty?

JUNE 5, 1979, 6:25 AM

I have showed thee, o man, what is good… what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. Walk humbly with Me, o Bob, and We shall be in friendship. Justice and mercy are other aspects of the spiritual realm; though justice also has become “socialized”, and is supposedly applied without any spiritual meanings, true justice comes only when there is consideration for the spirit, by another spirit.

Friendship came to you as a concept yesterday, with the letter and writings of My servant . . .

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