From Out Of Your Soul

December 2, 1979, 5:34 AM

As you sat back in the darkness, waiting for the theme to present itself, you felt the twitch of conflict as to whether it comes from “out there” or “from within”.  So let Me reaffirm, o son of Mine, on this Sunday morning, that My approach to you (as it is to many) is from within your own soul.  The word flows from out of your soul.

I can communicate in other ways, certainly.  I can speak from the heavens… or from clouds, pillars of fire, rocks, bushes, and bodies of water.  I can speak through other persons, through writings, and, particularly, from the pages of My Holy Book.  But My most intimate way of speaking is this way.  I use your soul as a receiver, and so not only do you hear with your mind and write with your fingers, but your soul is warmed and stimulated by this input.  It becomes the communicator for Me.  Can there be a more wonderful, satisfying experience for a soul?

As these words and thoughts – yea, My Presence – mingle with your soul it is changed in the very process.  As this writing time is over I recede from this active role, but your soul, though “itself again”, is never quite so.  The experience of being the messenger and hearing the message that it delivers is one of growth and development for your soul.  Now isn’t this a nice educational approach?  I knew you’d appreciate it.

You are using a version of this in having your 533 students teach others about the Well-Springs and the Continuum.  Your message comes to them, in various forms, and as they pass it on it becomes more a part of them.  This is so important in learning.  Be more aware of it.  Appreciate its power.  And, for My sake, use it in many forms as your professional life develops.  It can be vital to some success with these Baptist brothers you shall encounter tomorrow.  Don’t just talk to them (though an initial testimony will be appreciated, by Me and by them), but have them learn and teach others… learn and teach others.

It is almost time for you to form your coterie group of students… those whom I obviously send to you so that they might grow under your tutelage.  They shall be a special extension of you – yea, verily, you have heard it – like unto My disciples.  When I walked upon and lived this life on earth as Jesus I called disciples.  I loved others not less because I loved them more (an important principle that you understand but other Christians often do not).  It shall be important that this not be such an “exclusive” group that you – and they – lose effectiveness.  It is designed and meant to enhance the teaching/learning of spiritual health.  There will be some who exceed you in the communication of these truths.  But remember that I said, “Greater works will you do than I do because I go to the Father and send you the Spirit.”  John was the only one who recorded that (good for John!), but it is true.  And it shall be likewise for you.  Some shall surpass you, but only because out from your soul has come the food that maketh for growth supreme.

Be also aware (even wary) that My chosen ones shall not be all alike.  Some will come with clear testimonies.  Yet others, like Rick, will be less orthodox, less comfortable.  But they can – and shall – be of great influence.  Don’t rush into this, but also don’t dally over a beginning.  There should be one before the end of this semester.

Review, o son, this direction from out of the depths of your own soul.  I speak to you from out of your soul, and it increases as a result.  So shall you contribute to the souls of those chosen whom I send.  From them shall come Our messages and they shall prosper therefrom.  Everybody gains… the principle of the Lord’s economy!  Commence your group.  Be cautious yet brave… some steadfastness, with just a pinch of recklessness.

I liked this morning’s meditation.  It should bear some luscious fruit.  You are My servant this day, began in obedience and joy.


6:22 AM