
OCT. 31, 1981, 5:33 AM

You awoke from a dream, o son, one that you remembered in part, and knew it was a time of frustration. The feeling did not diminish much as you awoke, because you had some frustrating experiences yesterday, and there should be more today. As My servant, one in close communication with Me, should you feel this frustration? Let Me tell you a bit about this emotional feeling.

As you suspect, frustration is partly a feature of a spiritual immaturity. As you move along the path toward enlightenment you feel less and less frustration and more and more natural assurance that I direct the important aspects of life, and therefore these shall turn out as I wish… and you obviously need not feel frustration about such results. Yet remember that I showed frustration in My walk as Jesus, mainly at My disciples and their slowness in grasping the importance of My life. But also remember “Jerusalem, o Jerusalem…” a cry of frustration at My people’s unwillingness to hear Me as their Messiah. I knew, and still I felt frustrated… and expressed it. So spiritual maturity does not eliminate it completely. Why not?

Some frustration develops out of expectations. If you had no expectations, for yourself, for others, for events… then there would be much less frustration. In your dream you were expecting people to help you, and they were paying you little heed or doing things not helpful. Your major frustration yesterday was Matthew, because you expect that he can achieve creditably, but he is not… because you expect him to show forth good character and he offers you dishonesty and deceit. I have told you that he shall finally achieve and bring pride to your heart… but he is persisting in this aimless folly a bit long. Because I shall not tell you exactly what to do you shall continue to feel frustrated with him… and with the whole situation. This is your lot. It shall be of eventual value to you. I promise.

The earth plane is an arena that encourages frustration, which is a means toward growth that is not possible when My perfect will prevails completely. You shall not always have these frustrations with you, so appreciate them as you are experiencing them. That is a sign of spiritual maturity – appreciating the frustrations as the event is actually happening, or the confrontation occurring. You were able to do that rather well with the wandering cows yesterday. You shall have more chances to practice. Trust Me to provide.

Another element of frustration is the sense of time which is here in the earth. Without the urgency of “you must get it done today” there would be need for much less frustrations. You know that most “deadlines” are not desperately important, but, still, responsibility is often closely linked to finishing a task “on time”. You feel time constraints more keenly than most, and you often attempt to do more than the time available allows. At the same time (not pun intended) you waste time in unprofitable doings, and the awareness of this is frustrating.

OCT. 31, 1981, 5:33 AM

You awoke from a dream, o son, one that you remembered in part, and knew it was a time of frustration. The feeling did not diminish much as you awoke, because you had some frustrating experiences yesterday, and there should be more today. As My servant, one in close communication with Me, should you feel this frustration? Let Me tell you a bit about this emotional feeling.

As you suspect, frustration is partly a feature of a spiritual immaturity. As you move along the path toward enlightenment you feel less and less . . .

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