
SAT, FEB. 13, 1999, 7:02 AM

For over 30 minutes you tried to replace that little pin that holds the watch band to the watch. No success. This also tells you that your vision is diminishing. That’s troubling. Last evening you drank too much, and that contributed to the “watch problem”. Why?

Well, o son, the sun is shining, on you, in a cold room, and you have finally done what is best for you… you’ve come for a Teaching. I can’t magically take away your frustrations, but I can help you put the events into perspective, helping you see them in the bigger picture of your life (which is only a small portion of the truly BIG picture of life. It is even good that you’re experiencing cold now… and I won’t try to explain that.)

You know you can finally replace that watch pin, perhaps with Lenore’s help. You know the principle, but your coordination is diminishing. One of the “joys” of elderly status. You didn’t pick up your new glasses yesterday, and you realize, with this experience and the distortions in vision experienced yesterday, that you are losing detailed vision for which there is no compensation.

The drunkenness was both unnecessary… and… necessary. Every now and then there needs be a balancing… an excess, to be balanced by another, opposite. Why? Because you are an imperfect human, often trying to be perfect. You think I want you to be perfect, even as you know what I want most is faithfulness. Oh, I don’t approve of drunkenness, but there was no harm, other than the broken watch band and a dirty knee. You shall not do that again, for some time, but you shall not be perfect in your moderation either.

Even a life as ideal as yours has frustrations, at times. A few are problems that can be solved. Most just have to be “lived through”. (The cold is getting to you. Finish later)

(7:35 / 12:50 PM).

Yes, there are frustrations in losing capacities that you once had… somewhat like dying a little bit at a time. Your Dad is a prime example of one still alive, but with a lot of little “dyings” already completed. You wouldn’t want to depart as quickly as Michael did, but neither do you yearn to live as long as your Dad. Would you like to know how it will be? Sorry… I won’t tell you. That’s part of earth life.

It would seem, to you, that you should be having fewer… to no frustrations in your life now. Financially you seem to have adequate means for the life-style that’s best for you. You have only a few responsibilities and plenty of time. It just is difficult for one with the personality you have developed to move into this last portion of earth life without some frustrations. So, yes, there will be more ahead.

But you see that I have more to say, so that last sentence wasn’t the “end of it”. Let Me remind you of the perspective you had as a health educator and that you taught so well in your last years as a teaching prof. – health is a positive concept… accentuate the positive.

You just have observed that you left the top to one rabbit cage open all night, and you didn’t fill the water dishes. Wouldn’t it have been frustrating if those rabbits would have escaped… and others died from lack of water? But none of this happened. (And the babies seem alive and well.)

So, let Me assess your life, positively. You are happily married to the person, Lenore, meant for you. You had a teaching career of 48 years (your old UCLA number) that was successful, with few frustrations. You live on the best place for you, the Farm, with a lifestyle that fits both your needs and wants. You still have a few responsibilities that let you utilize some of your developed talents. Your health is good. You have few to no regrets about life (except these minor losses). And you have Me, Holy Spirit, as your constant companion/teacher/friend/advisor. You enjoy having these Teachings, and they do give a unique picture of your life during these last almost 20 years.

SAT, FEB. 13, 1999, 7:02 AM

For over 30 minutes you tried to replace that little pin that holds the watch band to the watch. No success. This also tells you that your vision is diminishing. That’s troubling. Last evening you drank too much, and that contributed to the “watch problem”. Why?

Well, o son, the sun is shining, on you, in a cold room, and you have finally done what is best for you… you’ve come for a Teaching. I can’t magically take away your frustrations, but I can help you put the . . .

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