Frustrations… Time… Tasks


Frustrations are being felt too frequently by you, especially involving the use of time and which tasks to commence and complete. And, to complete the circle, you are frustrated with having these frustrations so often. Even I am being squeezed out, and neither of us are happy with such a loss.

Your active career is almost over, and you feel as though you shouldn’t be struggling as you so often seem to be. What to do about the church newsletter, for example? You completed your part, but it took all of the morning. Should it have taken this long? Will you be pleased enough with the “finished product” that it will seem worthwhile? I have told you that this is a task you should continue; do I still counsel you this way?

Yes, o son, this is a task and a use of time that I want you to continue. Some months it seems like just an unnecessary chore, but retaining the “editorship” gives you the opportunity of expressing yourself on any current issue… an opportunity equal to Richard’s. It also allows you to insert some humor and fun into the monthly pages, and, as you know, of this I approve. So, yes, continue to assume this responsibility and do it with joy… with a merry heart.

Your frustrations with paper are quite evident. This is a part of your culture at this time in human history, and you just have to deal with it in calmer, more regular ways. That is, don’t let the pile-up that you see here AND in your office reach this frustrating condition. You still are too curious about diverse “papers” that come your way and too indecisive about what to do with marginal “stuff”. I can’t “do it for you”. You’ll have to work out some less frustrating a way of dealing with these various forms of “paper” or continue to have these fits of unhappiness with the pile-ups.

You have just about decided to make the finals in this semester’s courses optional and voluntary. This will tweak your conscience somewhat, but it will make the transition to your busy summer less frustrating. Think this through and develop a short but prepared presentation to make to your classes. Justify it with your age and your retirement up coming, but offer the final opportunity to any who want to try for a higher grade. Announce this during classes this coming week… and, yes, do have the Death Education class give you a final judgment on and explanations of your Perspectives. This is My advice to avoid more end-of-career frustrations. I’ll let you deal with your conscience. I hope this Teaching helps.

You have procrastinated, certainly, in even thinking about moving out of your office, deciding what to keep (and why), and making some plans for such. You remember Elena’s struggle with a comparable task, and you are definitely putting off even a plan for such an evacuation. Sit down with a calendar, yes, this weekend, sometime, and determine when this task could be started… and, finally, completed. It will have to be a priority, and it will be overwhelmingly frustrating if you wait too long. You see the date… it’s now April… just 4 months, with this added on to other tasks and responsibilities. How can I, your Spirit Friend, be so cool and calm about the “content” of these four months?

You look out and see the cloud cover that precede the rains, even the storm. You are now in a comparable time of “cloud cover” before your retirement. Plan the summer classes so that you can carry them out with as little frustration as possible. Have fun with them. Make them experiences of the spirit… and tell them that you’re doing this. Let them know they’re experiencing the end of a professor’s long career. You all should enjoy the process.


Frustrations are being felt too frequently by you, especially involving the use of time and which tasks to commence and complete. And, to complete the circle, you are frustrated with having these frustrations so often. Even I am being squeezed out, and neither of us are happy with such a loss.

Your active career is almost over, and you feel as though you shouldn’t be struggling as you so often seem to be. What to do about the church newsletter, for example? You completed your part, but . . .

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