Fuller Life For Dad

FRI., MAY 7, 1999, 1:52 PM

Your Dad’s coming across is the end of a family generation, as you know it. He has wanted to take this “journey” for some time, of course. There was no real reason for him to continue the minimal life to which he had been reduced, but, like his Dad before him, the heart just kept pumping. But finally it was time, and, as you would expect, he came across quite willingly… ready for a renewed fullness of spiritual being.

He was a good father to you and Joanne, ( 2:01 / 2:12 ) and it was good that he had only the two of you as children. He had a good, mostly pleasant life with your Mother in that home community of Long Beach. You remember him saying to you, there in his office at Consolidated, that many times he had wished to be somewhere else, doing something else, but that the lumber business had been as suitable a career as any… and he was pleased with how he had risen and directed the company. He had an above-average job, and a career in an industry that was the basis for new homes and businesses. It was a satisfying life… till the last few years.

He was a healthy man, but the loss of his sight and his hearing, at his then advanced age, made life difficult. As you well know, he was ready to leave that scene and come across for, again, a fuller life.

He was more of a spiritual man than he appeared to be… as he gave evidence of in these retirement years. You are quite aware, of course, of the time, effort, and money he devoted to the Methodist Church there in Long Beach. You benefitted in that it gave you the opportunity to “grow up in the church,” a familiar place in its original form on that Pacific Ave. corner. He was one who dealt responsibly with money, which benefitted your family and also the church… as well as his business. You have followed with a comparable spirit, but without many of skills that he had.

He was a loyal, dedicated church man, until these final years in Hawaii. You aren’t sure how he felt about this “loss.” He was not pleased with this aspect of his retired life, but they couldn’t find anything comparable to FMC there in Hawaii. He did lose some spiritual progress during these last years, but his earlier years gave him quite a lot of “credit.”

It makes you wonder if you will ( 2:34 / 2:47 ) retreat from the church as you get older. You’re just about ready to give up responsibilities you’ve taken on over the past years. Yet you’re not sure how it will be to be “just a parishioner.” You know that with My continuing to offer you Teachings, that your spiritual life… the personal aspect… will be quite fulfilling, so how important is active church life, in addition? I’ll help you decide.

Because you were not in direct relationship with him daily your feeling of loss is not comparable to what Joanne feels. Though you tried to communicate with him during visits over these last years you felt that you had little success. He did appreciate your attempts, but he felt as uncomfortable as you did in not being able to respond. Just remember those earlier Hawaii years when the two of you walked, in the early morning, around Thomas Square, many times. Those were fine years. Remember them.

But now, o son, be assured that your Dad now can “see” and can “hear,” without those dysfunctional sense organs. He is ready for more spiritual growth… unfortunately his business and lumber knowledge is of little value where he is now. As he now has the privilege of reviewing his entire, long life he has a perspective that he couldn’t generate during these last, handicapped years of earth life. As do most men of his spiritual development he is proud of what he accomplished, is proud of both of his children and your families, and of his performance as a loving husband, but he also sees that he could have achieved more spiritual growth. He was rarely as aware of the spiritual aspects of daily life as he could have been.

FRI., MAY 7, 1999, 1:52 PM

Your Dad’s coming across is the end of a family generation, as you know it. He has wanted to take this “journey” for some time, of course. There was no real reason for him to continue the minimal life to which he had been reduced, but, like his Dad before him, the heart just kept pumping. But finally it was time, and, as you would expect, he came across quite willingly… ready for a renewed fullness of spiritual being.

He was a good father to you and Joanne, ( 2:01 . . .

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