
December 4, 1979, 5:38 AM

Hear the Word of the Lord’s Spirit this day!  Now isn’t that a serious, pontifical commencement to some teaching on fun?  It fascinates Me… even, ironically, saddens Me… that so many of My creatures, even My servants, have trouble with the notion of My having fun.  I must be supreme seriousness.  I must lament and sorrow.  I can be angry and vengeful.  You all can be happy and have fun… but not the Lord?  It’s true that the Scriptures have helped develop this picture.  But I’ll put it straight to you this day.  I, the Spirit can and do have fun.

Creation is fun.  Even though the world is all set up to function naturally and I let this happen most of the time I can’t help intervening now and then, just for fun.  It is fun to answer a prayer for a weather change that brings a beautiful day for a picnic or game in the midst of miserable.  It is also fun to shift the weather suddenly so that people must scurry, adapt, be together in unexpected ways, and remember it long after beautiful, uneventful times are forgotten.  Remember that Columbia River caper back long ago?  And it was fun, in another way, to prolong the beautiful days until Peter’s body was buried.  You shall remember that forever (a long time).

My greatest pleasure is in bringing people together who would otherwise never touch in this life.  It was fun bringing you together with Ben Loring and with some of those other fine Baptists of Mine.  It was a surprising and good day for you… and a pleasure for Me.  It is fun to bring people together who aren’t going to get along, but who will profit from the exposure, even though it may seem distasteful, even grim.

It is fun to help develop certain people who shall be unique in this world.  “Giants” of various kinds, “characters” of many sorts, eccentrics… these give variety and spice to a world, and I often am partly responsible.

It is fun to lead some people who are ultra serious (I really did say “super serious”… remember I can use any language or form of language) into research and study that truly is non-productive, deadend.  Oh, it is a little perverse, but often necessary to stimulate a bit of humility, one of the qualities I value.

Language is a fascinating issue.  You are more advanced than most Christians in accepting My use of “non-Biblical” language.  Most truly want to restrict Me in many ways.  “The Lord wouldn’t say that!”  Why wouldn’t He?  I can have fun with language.

It is fun to exacerbate the controversies about male and female, particularly with relation to Me.  I smile at the seriousness of protest at My being He… as well as at the apparent blasphemy (well, almost!) in referring to Me as She.  I’m sorry some women are so “put off” by this whole issue, but it also is pretty amusing.

I knew sexual differences would cause problems in this world, but I also knew they were necessary.  And they are fun.  Of course I am all of what any of you can and could be.  I am fully male and fully female, and every combination possible, all at once.  Now that is hard to express in language, isn’t it?

So, My Word today is that I get much pleasure from this world.  Some of My fun comes from just the way the world functions naturally.  Other fun comes from manipulating things and people just a bit… and enjoying the consequences.

I don’t ask you to spread this message far and wide.  Just know it yourself and share it with the few who are able to see Me and communicate with Me as you do.  Be aware of this aspect of Me in your life.  Appreciate My playfulness… on occasion.

There often is a “twinkle in the Lord’s eye”.  Watch out!

Over and out.

6:45 AM