Fun In Living

MON., JAN. 22, 1990, 6:53 AM

It has been sometime since I have offered you a Teaching that reinforced the premise that I, the Holy Spirit, have fun in My dealing with humans in the earth. And there are special blessings for persons who have fun in their living and who bring smiles and laughter to others. And I say again, as I have before, that this doesn’t deny the truth that life can be hard and very serious for some people. I just affirm that always intermixed with hardness and tragedy is the love of life that comes forth as humor and fun.

You just awoke from a dream. You don’t remember the content, but it seems to have been a serious dream. Yet the mind picture you are left with is a wildly smiling, laughing “character” climbing into a television set. Take this as a gentle, subtle prod to come and listen to Me tell you about the sense of fun in life that I recommend.

Your professional field is health education, and your religion is Christian. Health typically is written about in serious, scientific terms. There are an incredible assortment of departures from health that are studied or reported, with ideas for cure and serious prescriptions for prevention. It would not be considered appropriate to prescribe times of laughter and humor as means of maintaining health. But don’t be surprised if I do just that. I understand human functioning better than any medical person, and I say that ill-health is often sustained by a too serious attitude… and positive health is often sustained by the internal effects of laughter and a spirit of fun.

( 7:24 / 7:25 )

I led you to becoming a part of the Fellowship of Merry Christians, to let you know that there is a small, ecumenical group that emphasizes the holiness of gladness. I encourage you to read the Noiseletter more completely and be a more active booster of this group. Sunday, a week ago, you helped lead the worship service, and you passed up the opportunity of offering a bit of humor in the celebration of worship. I was disappointed. When you have this chance, take it and help many in the congregation smile. Write your own church newsletter with a merry spirit. Folks in your flock should expect this of you.

Now a word about My servant Richard, he who is comfortable in the medical white coat. He has a genuine desire to help people back to health in medical ways… and through stories and jokes. I like this spirit, but he needs to be more aware of his actions and lifestyle that are not appreciated by those close to him. It is hard to have one’s fun-loving nature go unappreciated. It is one of the difficult tasks of any Christian to balance these motivations toward fun with concern for others. I can help, but Richard must be more aware of how these balances should be. It is time for you to respond to his lengthy letter. Give it some of your good attention… and let him know about the Fellowship. Be supportive of this joyous side of his spirit, for he does need support.

You have a full week ahead of you, but be sure that you communicate a joyous spirit to those you meet and relate to… and, especially, to your classes. One of your main messages it that learning is fun. This does not negate the truth that learning can also be hard and demanding, but it is an appropriate and necessary complement. In your position and at your time in life you can move further onto the side of fun.

Life is busy for you, but continue to take time for fun… and enjoy the tasks you have as fully as possible. Have fun doing what you do, as I do. I am fully aware of suffering and pain and injustice, and hardship, and…

But I also am aware of people in all walks of life who smile, who sing, who tell funny stories, who enjoy life, even when it seems like rather bare existence. Many who leave earth life, even suddenly or tragically, “come on over” with smiles for what earth life has been and in anticipation of more joy. Be thankful for the life you have, and show this forth with a merry spirit. Notice, more often, the smiling Christ that warms your home. Have fun this day.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, and Amen
8:10 AM