Fun In The Sun

THURS., SEPT. 19, 1985, 11:02 AM

You are sitting in the warm sun, o son (and that punish juxtaposition is intended), and you are planning a workshop that shall focus on humor and fun. Therefore I judge it appropriate to offer you a Teaching that combines these experiences, coming with the title, Fun in the Sun.

In addition to the emphasis on laughter and humor in that coming Wisconsin offering, I want you to give some attention to fun. Fun is a judgment that the total person makes about any experience, either before, during or after… or any combination thereof. You can anticipate that an upcoming happening will be fun, and that is a very wonderful kind of anticipation. You can experience fun in the midst of an activity, and can enjoy the process, in all or in part. You can feel a sense of fun as you remember an experience… can even regenerate the fun as you relive the action in your mind and spirit.

Don’t try to make much of the proposition that experiences that are fun are more memorable. Some are and some are not. Some serious and some painful experiences also are memorable, and some are not. Persons of well developed spirit have a balance that brings the remembrance of a balanced assortment of experiences… but if the balance tips it does so toward the positive and the fun-filled ones.

I’ll note here that fun involves all your dimensions of healthful being, but I’ll let you develop this specifically. Give some consideration to the environment… to what experiences are fun. Think of playing with your happy dogs… of discerning shapes in the clouds… of music that sends feelings of fun… and you can consider more. Of course, the most important dimension is the spiritual, for the spirit is the true center of fun in the human. The strong spirit has at least some sense that the time and circumstances of earth life are only a part of “total life,” so that having fun in the process of living is better than being always super serious and always critical of those who do what you would not have them do. You should remember that I am still “in charge” and that nothing can happen which would diminish the spiritual relationships of life (including fellowship with Me). They could be changed in some ways, but the power of spirit cannot be greatly affected, no matter what the changes in earth life circumstances. And I say, “Have fun.”

See… the sun can appear to move, but you can move back into that sun. Keep the spirit of this particular time together… and the title for today.

Is it possible to have fun in any environment? Could you have fun if you were in prison? sick in a hospital? unemployed? retired and forgotten? You are right in admitting that it would be difficult for there would be massive temptations to feel sorry for yourself, contrasting times past with the gloom of present. Yet I also affirm that as you would rise above this harmful self-pity you could find ways to have fun. And if you could help others also to have fun, the spiritual and emotional atmosphere could change, even as the physical realities remained. You may never have to test this out, but I would be with you, and urging, if test time is necessary.

THURS., SEPT. 19, 1985, 11:02 AM

You are sitting in the warm sun, o son (and that punish juxtaposition is intended), and you are planning a workshop that shall focus on humor and fun. Therefore I judge it appropriate to offer you a Teaching that combines these experiences, coming with the title, Fun in the Sun.

In addition to the emphasis on laughter and humor in that coming Wisconsin offering, I want you to give some attention to fun. Fun is a judgment that the total person makes about any experience, either before, during or after… or . . .

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The sun is My greatest physical gift to the earth. It can produce harm, of course, but its value to earth life is beyond comprehension. Emphasize in your presentation on nuclear winter that the loss of the sun’s power, warmth, and friendly presence would affect every facet of holistic life. In spiritual terms the winter would be a symbol of the human attempt to “ruleout” God, and the suffering which is inevitable when something prevents God’s nearness. Yet even the lighting of a candle would symbolize My capacity to return, and, in the midst of darkness and despair, a sense of fun, even in the absence of hope, could be experienced.

I am not involved in all fun, but only because I’m not invited. If you welcome Me as a partner in all your life activities, I join with you in fun… and bring some of My own, as well.

In fun
12:03 PM