Fun… With Spirit

FRI., AUG. 16, 1991, 4:05 PM

Yes, o son, you can be sure I am with you in this beautiful place, with people who are having fun… in the spirit. I have encouraged you to know that I, the Holy Spirit, do have fun in My myriad dealings with humans, in their great variety, and that I highly approve of your experiencing fun also. Now you know more about the folks in this weird and wonderful Fellowship, and you can now be a better representative in your own circles.

You should see it as some amalgam of your own church experience, the Walk to Emmaus, and Synod School. You feel comfortable with these people already, and you should have no trouble offering a good, ringing testimony tomorrow. It shall be important to select some choice passages from what you have brought, and you shall have time to do this in the evening. Don’t overselect, but also see this as important a contribution as anyone can make in tomorrow’s morning session… so don’t limit Me unnecessarily.

There is definitely a spirit of fun in those who present and in those who make up the group. I select, elect, and guide persons in an incredible number of ways, all for My many purposes. One such is represented here – those elected to experience and appreciate the fun there is in being one of My Christian servants. You just could not take a random selection of people from random churches and create a group like unto this one. For there is a chosenness that is the final, necessary “ingredient.”

All spirits, no matter what their development, experience joy and fun. The normative news of the day chronicles little of this, opting instead for reporting of tragedies, deaths, suffering, and injustices of various kinds. Many of these are genuine, and their reality should not be denied or soft-pedaled. Yet life, as I see it, from My perfect vantage point, includes more fun, joy, and simple satisfactions than the negative experiences.

The video you just saw illustrated that in quite a wonderful way. All an ordinary, beaten-down factory worker needed was a short musical visitation by a group of singing angels (and many angels have just this capacity)… and a reminder in a music box… to change his whole way of looking at life. He was afraid to share this joy, but found that his wife and son responded quickly and enthusiastically. It was portrayed as supernatural, and there is some of the involved, but I also affirm that most people are waiting expectantly (though unconsciously) for an invitation to be joyful.

As you know, this is, indirectly, a part of the mission I have given you… for which I have chosen you. The major task is to emphasize the spiritual dimension to life and health, but one definite approach to this is to design and carry out ways for your student, your colleagues, and your fellow Christians to have fun, experience humor, and feel the joy that is the evidence of spirit developing and also the means by which spirit does grow.

So… a major task of yours is to regularly develop new and better ways to teach… that let students have some fun experiences. You also are to be aware of and seize opportunities in your church to being this message that the Lord does love merry Christians. Do it “your way.” You don’t have the personality and skills that Steve has. Don’t try to be what you cannot be. And then I say… Don’t limit yourself to just what you have done. Be innovative and just a bit rash.

It is good that Lenore is here with you. You and she are a fine team, and this is a great event for the two of you to share. Continue to be aware of experiences you both should share, even as you go your separate paths in some aspects of your life.

FRI., AUG. 16, 1991, 4:05 PM

Yes, o son, you can be sure I am with you in this beautiful place, with people who are having fun… in the spirit. I have encouraged you to know that I, the Holy Spirit, do have fun in My myriad dealings with humans, in their great variety, and that I highly approve of your experiencing fun also. Now you know more about the folks in this weird and wonderful Fellowship, and you can now be a better representative in your own circles.

You should see it as some amalgam . . .

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