Fundamental Christianity

TUES., AUG. 17, 1982, 6:14 AM

You made a break-through with your father last night, o son. Lenore assisted in her usual helpful way, and the content and spirit of the teaching did the rest. It will be thus repeatedly as you can bring just the right teaching to the attention of one or more who doubt or are unaware of the nature of this relationship.

This morning I want to comment on this that We do in relation to the practice of Christianity and to what is called “fundamental” belief and practice. The inference, of course, is that fundamental refers to that which is closest to both the letter and the spirit of the faith as it is developed in the Scriptures. Yet I must immediately warn that a strict adherence to the words and text of the Bible can put one in the same bind as the Pharisees, who rejected Me as Jesus because I did not fit the word picture well enough. The spirit and the actions in the Scriptures are as important as… or more important than… the literal words.

Most fundamentally, when I, as Jesus, left this earth plane, I left Myself as the Holy Spirit, to act when and where and how and with whom I choose. My fundamental responsibility is to teach, to interpret, to inspire, to comfort, and to explain the relationship between life in My service and life in the contemporary world.

I act in uncountable, often indescribable ways. This meditation with you is, in one sense, one of the easier ones to explain, but, on the other, because it is so tangible it can hamper belief. Strange and varied are the ways of humans when it comes to fundamental belief in Me – Almighty God, Jesus, the Christ, and the active Holy Spirit. (When I say “I” or “Me” I speak as the Holy Spirit, but the fundamental belief applies… I, the Holy Spirit, am inseparable from Jesus and from God. I am always ALL… but that can’t be explained easily.)

Fundamentally, I care about the individuals and the groups I have created. I am the Creator of each individual, and I have a hand in the existence and nature of families, and I do actually create some groups and influence others. But I do not create all groups… some develop out of human motivations solely, and I am interested in them only as they affect the individuals influenced by them. Caring means that I guide, direct, influence, teach, interpret, comfort… and it also means that I let some muddle through (or even perish in) the life situations into which they get themselves. It is fundamental that I am not continuously rescuing persons and groups from mistakes.

Rather, I have offered the fundamental gift – Grace, which is forgiveness and acceptance. No matter what you do or say, you have but to ask and Grace gives you a fresh, clean self and situation. Karma is the fundamental law, and it was amplified by the ten Commandments. It is pure, sweet smelling justice. Whatever you do you must reap the consequences, in this life or beyond.

TUES., AUG. 17, 1982, 6:14 AM

You made a break-through with your father last night, o son. Lenore assisted in her usual helpful way, and the content and spirit of the teaching did the rest. It will be thus repeatedly as you can bring just the right teaching to the attention of one or more who doubt or are unaware of the nature of this relationship.

This morning I want to comment on this that We do in relation to the practice of Christianity and to what is called “fundamental” belief and practice. The . . .

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