
JUNE 30, 1980, 5:43 AM

You have not been in this teaching-learning stance with Me for several days, so let us go back to some fundamentals. You have begun your summer teaching, and you need to get your life a bit more organized this week.

The most fundamental fact (yes, fact!) is that I have chosen you for this particular type of meditative teaching, and I purpose for you to learn directly from Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty. You are to come when I call or when you feel the need (hopefully both) and spend about an hour with Me, writing My teachings as you hear them… or as your fingers hear them. You do not hear My Voice audibly, but you are hearing Me just the same… and the effect is something rather permanent that you may refer to later and that you may share with others.

In one sense what We do together here (and it is right to use “We” because as We do this I am in you, but you are also in Me… and you become more in tune with Me than I with you. Oh, it could be either, I just prefer that capital form) is scripture (small s) because I, the Holy Spirit, am speaking, but not Scripture, as in the Bible. Scripture was especially created and selected, and now has become part of the knowledge and the life of many, many souls. It has a special quality and value that cannot be matched by any other writings. It is like unto a beautiful, fine old house, magnificently built and maintained… as compared with a small, new, modern home. The smaller place may be better for your own personal needs and more attuned to present needs and desires, but there is no question as to which is the more magnificent dwelling.

JUNE 30, 1980, 5:43 AM

You have not been in this teaching-learning stance with Me for several days, so let us go back to some fundamentals. You have begun your summer teaching, and you need to get your life a bit more organized this week.

The most fundamental fact (yes, fact!) is that I have chosen you for this particular type of meditative teaching, and I purpose for you to learn directly from Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty. You are to come when I call or when you feel the need . . .

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