
FRI., JULY 2, 1982, 5:39 AM

You come, o son, after some time away, beginning a commitment to Me. You have not been giving Me even a fair share of your time, and so I did have to center your attention… in a way you would recognize. It took you a bit longer than I expected, but you were hampered by the over-drinking incident… (or was that a necessary part of the attention-getting? You hadn’t considered that). But do consider, again, some fundamentals of life for you here in the earth.

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”. It is fundamental that the earth is My realm, ultimately. I have allowed certain apparently counter-forces to be active and evident (more to some persons than to others), but I have never lost nor given up the final controls. Whatever happens is ultimately My will, for I who have called you and speak to you am the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God. You use that term “Almighty”, along with many other Christians, and it is an apt one. You do not say “Partially mighty God” or “Sometimes mighty God”. Believe then, what you say. I am Mighty in all situations, each and every.

The purpose of your life (and that of each human) here in the earth is growth toward Me and toward a genuine selflessness… which, paradoxically, is a finding of true self through doing for others. You at least know the purpose and you are aware that this is not your “first” life, but you also realize you are not very far along this path of unselfish living. For instance, you do well in giving your blood that others might benefit from its life-enhancing qualities. It even is a commendable act that you give as often as you do. Yet you still are thinking more in terms of self-aggrandizement than in terms of selfless giving. Your response to no attention the other day was fine, but you still desired it.

What should you do about your short-comings in relation to this fundamental purpose of life? Seek the artful combination of trying and not trying. The Holy Scriptures say this, but many Christians do not recognize the yin and yang nature of this important life imperative. I say, essentially (as Jesus), try… ye must be perfect… be as I am. Paul says, “Grace is sufficient… and grace is freely given… it doesn’t come from trying”. One is not right and the other wrong. To suggest that Paul is more right because he wrote and spoke “later” is to give a reality to time that is undeserved. Rhythm. Balance. Awareness. Appreciation. You cannot go back and make a selfish act an unselfish one. But you can meet the “new situations” in more selfless ways.

You are an educator… a good one… an above average one… but not an outstanding one. You know this, and yet you still aspire to be more than you can be. Be who you are with increasing equanimity. Do what you do with zeal and with dedication to Me. Leave the evaluations to Me.

There is nothing that can happen to you from which you cannot learn and grow. Being an educator is essentially providing the opportunities and the motivations and the guidance in which others can learn and grow. I, the Holy Spirit, am thus an educator. Would I receive universally high ratings for My performance?

FRI., JULY 2, 1982, 5:39 AM

You come, o son, after some time away, beginning a commitment to Me. You have not been giving Me even a fair share of your time, and so I did have to center your attention… in a way you would recognize. It took you a bit longer than I expected, but you were hampered by the over-drinking incident… (or was that a necessary part of the attention-getting? You hadn’t considered that). But do consider, again, some fundamentals of life for you here in the earth.

“The earth is . . .

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