Funny Thing About The Lord… !

FRI., FEB. 17, 1995, 6:08 AM

Why do you think you picked that old book off the shelf yesterday, and started it, yet again? You were aware, last evening, as you knew I would be, with you this morning, that the theme for this Teaching would be a variation of “Is It Serious?” It has been a fairly long while since I have spoken to this aspect of Me. So… here we go!

Am I, as God, totally serious? Not a bit of it. Your fruit of the spirit for this week is joy, and so I’ll affirm that I created this earth, you humans, and all of the spirits that abound out of joy. It was fun. I enjoyed the original process. I enjoy the “maintenance,” along with the continuing creation.

Then why do the Holy Scriptures sound so serious, and why do most of you Christians consider this religious aspect of your lives in a serious, obligatory way. You sometimes present My perspective on life and death (in your class) in a way that emphasizes responsibility and obligation… live right, or else…! I’d prefer that you live life in joyful appreciation of My creation, appreciating each life experience and yet being quite willing, even eager, to move on to the next realm.

As you would expect, I am not either/or. I am both serious and joyfully playful. Your historians and journalists focus so much upon the dire and the tragic. And why? Because this, supposedly, is what readers consider to be “news.” There’s very little of “It’s so good!” But I’ll say again that most of what I see about earth life is positive, life-affirming, even joyous. Most of life is not like the stock exchange or the tragic aftermath of some life-taking event. Remember that deaths are a kind of rebirth. A physical birth is sometimes a traumatic process, but it is an entrance into a fuller life, outside of the womb… in most cases, to be greeted by loving parents and other relatives. Yet do some babies apprehensively resist being born because the womb is comfortable? Some do.

The crying of a new-born infant is seen as healthy… evidence of good breathing capacity. Yet it also could be seen, symbolically, as sadness in leaving the womb and fear for this “next step.” Birth contractions push the baby out. Death, coming sometimes with contractions, pushes you on. This is the rhythm of life, and it should be lived with smiles of anticipation.

You look out at a clear sky, evident through the bare branches of the many trees in your vista. The sky is various shades of red, orange, and pink. In its normal rhythm your small planet, which doesn’t seem small to you, has turned, as expected, and soon that turning will reveal the sun, which has been stationary. It appears that the sun shall rise. And… it appears that life is hard, serious, and I, the Lord, can do little about this “mess.” It can be posed that either I can’t or I won’t, but rarely is it trumpeted that “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” with a joyous ring to it. This is My earth, and I’m pleased with the fullness of it. Does this mean that I don’t care about pain, suffering, and inhumane acts? Of course not, but I see these in My proper context… and that is – surrounded by joy.

FRI., FEB. 17, 1995, 6:08 AM

Why do you think you picked that old book off the shelf yesterday, and started it, yet again? You were aware, last evening, as you knew I would be, with you this morning, that the theme for this Teaching would be a variation of “Is It Serious?” It has been a fairly long while since I have spoken to this aspect of Me. So… here we go!

Am I, as God, totally serious? Not a bit of it. Your fruit of the spirit for this week is joy, and so I . . .

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