Future Talk

MON., FEB. 18, 1991, 6:14 AM

Chris sent her paper on the future of humankind to you for comments, and you have completed a first reading. You now will need to go through it more slowly and carefully in order to formulate an honest reaction. This is an important spiritual exercise for you, but, naturally, I shall offer you some assistance. Some of this will be helpful to you and to Chris, but some analysis will show that I do not offer the same guidance to all of My servants. You and Chris are on similar paths, but I still offer you somewhat different insights.

She writes about some distant future where I have intervened in both spiritual and physical evolutionary ways to bring about a gentler, simpler human person. Energy comes directly from the sun, so no form of life need be food for another. It is the return of Eden, but improved,,, and apparently more populated.

I tell you that this is possible, and I have helped her develop this strange picture of the future. What I tell you is long range from right now, but short range compared to Chris’ picture. Part of the fun of being the Holy Spirit is trying out different ideas in different minds and spirits. It is a great exercise for you, when you are chosen, and fun for Me to see how each unique combination of mind and spirit develops interpretations from My offerings and those of writers, some of whom I also have influenced.

I tell you repeatedly that I still am satisfied with the earth, pretty much as it is, as a unique realm for possible spiritual growth. Of all the souls and spirits who have come forth from Me only a few take on a body here in the earth, despite the size of the human population presently. Souls who are rather well developed give up their knowledge of the fullness of life and come into the earth as babies into some culture that encourages them to think in some particular ways and in some “native” language. Depending on the circumstances of earth life, the spiritual power of the person, the length of life, and somewhat on Me some amount of growth… or of regression… may take place.

It is risky business, this coming into the earth. There are various dangers and many perceptions that are counter to ultimate reality. There are conflicting, competitive ways of viewing life and My role in it, and I am perceived in some variety of ways, even among Christians. There are destructive weapons, toxic materials, diseases, competition for food and resources (in which some lose out), and much strife, if you believe the evening news.

There also is much joy, much creativity, much success in being good persons, much charity, and much stewardship. And all of this is achieved against the odds I just described above. Presently, at least, I like the balances I see. I do say that there are too many incarnated people for a finite planet, so some future such as Chris describes is an alternative. Yet it would not have the unique qualities that the earth realm now has.

You understand quite fully that death is quite necessary, even as it is fundamentally an illusion. As the Christ I symbolically overcame death, but of course it wasn’t actually real even when I was on the earth. Death is a spiritual passage. Death is necessary in order that others might have this risky earth experience. Death is a time of learning, for the one who dies and for those who survive. I presently see more advantages in death than disadvantages. You remember that risky teenage roller coaster experience and the different ways you made that dangerous ride. One life experience can be good. Several varied ones can be even better.

MON., FEB. 18, 1991, 6:14 AM

Chris sent her paper on the future of humankind to you for comments, and you have completed a first reading. You now will need to go through it more slowly and carefully in order to formulate an honest reaction. This is an important spiritual exercise for you, but, naturally, I shall offer you some assistance. Some of this will be helpful to you and to Chris, but some analysis will show that I do not offer the same guidance to all of My servants. You and Chris are on similar paths . . .

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