
JAN. 23, 1982, 7:23 AM

You met with Chris yesterday for the first time in some months, and it was a warm, sharing conversation. It was a small part of a gathering, o son, of those who hear My voice and know My precepts in a particular way. Though there is a truth to the admonition that “you must walk this lonesome valley by yourself”, there is a parallel truth that there are gatherings of souls constantly in the earth, drawn together by recognized mutual interests and beliefs AND by karmic, spiritual forces. You are involved in such a gathering. Of this you are partly aware and partly unaware.

A gathering is for both education and mutual support. Actually, a gathering involves all of the dimension of being in an integrated way. Physically, bodies gather together, eating, drinking, touching, identifying. There are emotions involved in these social gatherings, where there also is talk of institutions, economics, families, and other social relations. Intellectually there is a sharing of knowledge, insights, readings, which benefits she who tells as much as those who listen and hear. And yes, there is an environmental element as well, for the quality of the gathering can be enhanced by a certain amount of comfort and amenities. (Remember, however, the Gathering Tribe as they sat in a large ring in your pasture some years ago. It was not comfort in a conventional sense, and your group probably would not function as well in that setting, but it suited the Tribe well… and it has remained as a memory for you.)

The unifying, integrating dimension is, of course, the spiritual. Spirit insures the quality of learning. Spirit allows and engenders the sense of union… the sense of comparability in experience. Individual spirits and a common spirit – these are the fundamentals of a gathering.

Ideally, should there be only THE gathering? Should there be a huge, single gathering of all souls who have finally come to see Me and hear Me in the same way, and to express their response in a single style? I have considered that, and it does have a mighty and unifying quality to it. However, diversity is more interesting and more consistent with Creation.

I prefer to have smaller groups with a somewhat common understanding, and style of relating to Me. As I have told you before I lead individuals and groups in different directions (though the common goal is unselfish service to Me and others), and this does mean away from others. This can produce enmity, jealousy, selfishness, and strife. It also can stimulate tolerance, acceptance, and brotherhood, when these other responses also are possible, even probable.

JAN. 23, 1982, 7:23 AM

You met with Chris yesterday for the first time in some months, and it was a warm, sharing conversation. It was a small part of a gathering, o son, of those who hear My voice and know My precepts in a particular way. Though there is a truth to the admonition that “you must walk this lonesome valley by yourself”, there is a parallel truth that there are gatherings of souls constantly in the earth, drawn together by recognized mutual interests and beliefs AND by karmic, spiritual forces. You are . . .

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