
SAT., FEB. 7, 1998, 12:55 PM

One way of considering the people of this world… particularly those in your life… is in terms of generations. Awhile ago you were penning a message to your Dad on a Valentine card, recalling times when he was still an adult son, with you as a child, then adolescent, then young adult. Then in came John Patrick, your son, and four of his small daughters. The card was going to one of the older generation, written by one of the next younger generation, and the process was interrupted by those of two generations even more youthful. The age range: 94 down to 3 year old Rebekah.

You are not much interested in genealogy, but you can claim to be of “the house and lineage of John Isaac, through Ralph Douglass”. Then come your sons and their progeny, with the name Douglass (your Grandmother’s family) now in a 5th generation.

You do not expect your Dad to live much longer, and it is not his desire to do so. Then you, in your 70’s, will be the “oldest generation”… with its joys and sadnesses. Your sons are, mostly in their 40’s, and your oldest grand-daughter will enter her 20’s this year. Zach and Rebekah, at 3, complete the generational picture as of now.

Your church congregation also has its generations. You are not yet among the oldest, but you certainly are no longer “middle-aged”. As you peruse the list of current officers you see that there are generational changes evident… along with mobility… people moving away and new people coming in, as you did over 30 years ago. You wonder, from time to time, to what extent you should “stay active”… as an Elder… a teacher… or should you just relax and let the next generation… and the next… take over these responsibilities?

It is hard for you to accept “retiring”, but I am urging you to appreciate the positive nature of this “change of status”. Remember… you never did aspire to real leadership positions, elected or otherwise, so it isn’t as difficult as it would be if you had been one who yearned for power in leadership.

You smile as you consider the leader positions you had as a youth – being President… Battalion Commander… Wisely you didn’t aspire to be a Chairman, a Dean (whoops, you were one for a year), or other administrative functions. You earned your doctorate from a fine institution in 2 years, and continued your career as a teacher, with 27 years, more than half, as a Full tenured Professor.

Was I involved in any of this? Was it all a matter of chance and “free will”? Well, as I’ve told you often, free will is what I let you have if I don’t want something particular from you. It is a gift and a blessing, but limited by My Will. After all, I am the Creator… the Originator of generations, and I am not at all bashful about exerting My Will. I rather completely reject the notion that I have given free will, and I can’t “take it back”… that I am unhappy with the earth scene, and all I can finally do is destroy it.

Rather, I either cause or allow all that happens, and a good deal of what you could call “evil” are actually means by which spirit is tested and thus grows toward maturity. And what is maturity for you humans? The realization of rebirth, even choseneness, and of no longer a need to be an individual soul. Hence you voluntarily and joyfully merge back into Me and become part of the generation of new souls, as well as help to those on paths such as you have traveled.

SAT., FEB. 7, 1998, 12:55 PM

One way of considering the people of this world… particularly those in your life… is in terms of generations. Awhile ago you were penning a message to your Dad on a Valentine card, recalling times when he was still an adult son, with you as a child, then adolescent, then young adult. Then in came John Patrick, your son, and four of his small daughters. The card was going to one of the older generation, written by one of the next younger generation, and the process was interrupted by those of . . .

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