Getting The Most Out Of Life

FRI., JAN. 10, 1992, 6:08 AM

Hear Me, o son, as you have awakened surprisingly early (for your bedtime), and in distress. You certainly have done what is best to do when sleep is no longer probably – you have come to Me. This clearly is the best way to start a day. It always is “time” well invested.

The basic answer to the title above, of course, is putting the most into life and giving of yourself, rather than focusing on the getting. You cannot work directly at getting the most out of life, just as you cannot work directly at being happy. Getting much out of life is a dividend that comes from putting yourself actively into life.

Naturally, by this time, you realize that you get the most out of life when you come often and write what you hear from Me, the Holy Spirit. Your spirit knows, by now, what your mind continues to doubt… that even if you came daily I would have plenty to say to you. BUT, in relation to My title for the day, I obviously have more to say when you are more actively putting yourself into life.

You have responded well to My encouragement of Scriptural study. Continue your reading and studying of the David story, and enter wholeheartedly into the study of Peter’s first letter. When you have completed these, be assured that I will offer new encouragements. Like unto this time with Me, time spent in Bible study mystically results in getting the most out of life. This isn’t logical or reasonable, but it is true, and I challenge you to make it more a part of your ongoing life.

You get the most out of life when you approach life events positively. It is good to call on the sick and counsel with those in emotional trouble, but it also is important to encourage those who are functioning well, voicing appreciation for what is done well. It is harder to know what success you have had, for, typically, a functioning person just continues to live well, but your encouragement may have been as important as the person’s own reserve. This is what good teaching does best… helps a learner become more aware and more appreciative of some aspect of life. You have three prime opportunities ahead this semester. Give yourself sufficient time for preparation, which guarantees that you shall get the most, yourself, from this upcoming experience.

Yet life always requires balancing and trading off. As you age your balances change, and you should no longer be attempting what you have done as a younger person. There would have been some value in being an active part of the next local Walk to Emmaus experience, but it also could have become a burden. I approve of your rejecting this opportunity, but only because it will allow you to function better in other ways. You must do some preparation for your Hospice contribution and for the Talent Show. Also make an attempt at the song for which you are committed, and if you can’t do it sufficiently well, let the folks know in sufficient time.

In these last years of your working career, pace yourself appropriately, letting your spirit be more and more the determiner of what you do and what you do not. Be increasingly appreciative of what you have and what you are doing well, and don’t seek after more tasks, even as this may be ego-pleasing. You needn’t make a decision yet about Synod School. As I’ve said, if you’re invited then you should go, but if not this may be a summer to let this rest. It is both relaxing and stimulating for you, but it may be better for you to invest your time and money differently this summer. Watch and wait.

FRI., JAN. 10, 1992, 6:08 AM

Hear Me, o son, as you have awakened surprisingly early (for your bedtime), and in distress. You certainly have done what is best to do when sleep is no longer probably – you have come to Me. This clearly is the best way to start a day. It always is “time” well invested.

The basic answer to the title above, of course, is putting the most into life and giving of yourself, rather than focusing on the getting. You cannot work directly at getting the most out of life, just as you . . .

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