
FRI., JAN. 8, 1993, 7:14 AM

A gift is something given… and received. It may be something the recipient wants, even expects, or it could be unusual, unexpected. A gift may be merited, by conduct or by tradition, or, importantly, a gift may not be earned or deserved at all. Gifts are one of the potential joys of earth life.

Yesterday you gave a student a gift – an A he did not earn or deserve. It was your decision to allow him to stay in the degree program. You have a sense that he will not be able to complete the program, but you were unwilling to be the one to force him out before he had a chance to prove himself. This was an act of mercy, rather than the justice he deserved.

Now you know that I came into the earth to emphasize the need for mercy and forgiveness. As Jesus I came upon a woman in the midst of some Jewish men who, lawfully, were ready to stone her to death for committing adultery. (In that culture it was the woman’s sin, not the man’s). You have on your desk a small stone with the word “First” printed on it… in remembrance of My admonition to these judges and jurors – he who is without sin let him cast the first stone. As the story is told, no one threw that first stone, for, righteous as they seemed, in comparison to the woman (in their perception) not one could, by action, declare himself sinless. Hence, they… and I… gave her the gift of life, which she did not deserve, by Jewish law. I also gave the men the gift of discernment, the gift of seeing themselves as sinners acting more righteous than they were.

Each of your sons was, and is, a gift. You had to realize that “the hard way” in the life and death of Peter, whose birthday it is today. Peter’s life was taken from you just before he would have been 18. This forced you to see that he was a gift, given for shorter time than you expected. It also pushed you to see your other sons, and your wife, Lenore, too, as gifts rather than as deserved. Life is a gift. It is given, and it can be taken away.

Mostly it is taken away by means that are understandable and predictable. When automobiles crash into each other lives are likely to be taken. In severe weather conditions human lives may be lost… or as in the incident on last night’s news, lives are sustained, as gifts. Chris has a cancerous condition that could take her life at a rather young age. She seeks a therapy that is not a proven means of eliminating the cancer… and thus she seeks to sustain her life as a gift.

Your wealthy son gave a gift to Lenore and you, a monthly gift of flowers. The first arrived yesterday, a lavish gift, but one that will be particularly appreciated in these months when it is too cold for flowers to grow here. Remember to thank him as you strive to follow through with your gift to him – a lunch each month, for contact and conversation.

FRI., JAN. 8, 1993, 7:14 AM

A gift is something given… and received. It may be something the recipient wants, even expects, or it could be unusual, unexpected. A gift may be merited, by conduct or by tradition, or, importantly, a gift may not be earned or deserved at all. Gifts are one of the potential joys of earth life.

Yesterday you gave a student a gift – an A he did not earn or deserve. It was your decision to allow him to stay in the degree program. You have a sense that he will not be . . .

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