
THURS., APR. 22, 1993, 11:06 AM

Near the end of this month your new Session for this church year will meet to organize and to consider the gifts that each of you has, from Me, the Holy Spirit. Well, of course, My tasks don’t really include the actual giving of gifts, but, being One with the Father and with Jesus, the Son, it is OK for Me to take credit. My main function, however is to make you aware of your gifts and to encourage you to use them for My purposes.

A few servants of Mine have a true gift of prophesy. This allows them to see the future or to interpret present events as to their influence on the future. It is an intriguing gift, and has been in almost every age and culture, and therefore it encourages some to think or pretend that they have this gift. This makes for false or misleading (philosophies) prophesies and ways of looking toward the future. You are encountering one spawned by such prophesies… one predicting some final war causing the destruction of humankind, by Me or the devil. You are not a prophet, but I teach you that I am still basically pleased with earth life, partly as it contrasts with other realms. Continue to know this and offer it gently, where and when it is appropriate.

You have a gift for teaching, which is still developing and should continue so, even, perhaps into other lifetimes. It is a spiritual gift, so that your concern is with reaching the spirits of learners rather than in communicating many facts. Content is a means, and while learning is the desired end, you want certain spiritual effects, and learning that definitely touches spirit.

The lecture of which you are in the midst now is an interesting illustration. The content is the most formidable and academically worthwhile of your three. You use illustrations that help, but you can see rather clearly that it is boring to all but a relative few. Then you finish with your two songs, and the whole atmosphere changes. You are sharing more than words and music. You are sharing another gift, another aspect of yourself. As I have told you often it is a relative gift, a minor one. Yet it is rare… or certainly rarely displayed by others in your position. You do the songs with spirit, and this tends to touch other spirits. So I say, keep it up.

You have a gift for writing, and you are using this almost as I desire. Your Ruminations, based in these more frequent Teachings, are all writing of which I approve. I like your newsletter and your minutes… and the letters that you do finally write. I still want more letters, and I continue to push for the several professional papers that will finish off your career in a good fashion. If you are selected to give this paper at the regional college health meeting you must write it also for publication. I shall expect that, and will call it sloth if you don’t.

You have a minor gift in speaking… and a more major one in speaking with humor, enthusiasm, and spirit. This is certainly displayed when you lead worship services, and I shall continue to expect to see that gift displayed.

Your sons are gifts, and I helped you to realize this more fully after Pete’s death. John Patrick, once a gift you would have returned if possible, now should be appreciated more for his interest in and dedication to your (and My) Teachings. You are worried about his professional future, but don’t let this prevent you from feeling, and sharing, gladness and joy at his interest in and his help with getting these many pages to a more available form.

THURS., APR. 22, 1993, 11:06 AM

Near the end of this month your new Session for this church year will meet to organize and to consider the gifts that each of you has, from Me, the Holy Spirit. Well, of course, My tasks don’t really include the actual giving of gifts, but, being One with the Father and with Jesus, the Son, it is OK for Me to take credit. My main function, however is to make you aware of your gifts and to encourage you to use them for My purposes.

A few servants . . .

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