
FRIDAY., AUG. 21, 1981, 5:31 AM

You gave something important yesterday, o son, so let us reflect a bit upon Giving, that most spiritual of acts.

Giving blood, though it seems to be a simple, mundane process, can be seen as a beautifully symbolic event. Blood and breath are the two main symbols for life here in the earth, and blood clearly is the more tangible. As Jesus I used wine to symbolize My blood, and then I said, “Drink of this, for the remission of sins and for eternal life.” The little sac of blood that remained after your visit was your contribution to someone’s continuing life… perhaps so they might come to Me. And you gave it. True, it would be wonderful to know into whom it was transfused, in whole or part, but, if anything, the giving aspect can be more spiritual when this is not known.

The best approach would be: give it to Me, to be used as I direct for the continuation of someone’s life or health. As I give unto you, so give back in return. And as you give to Me, so shall I give back in return. Take every opportunity to give that comes up. And feel the spiritual significance more clearly and fully.

The lady yesterday gave a small testimony to her faith in My capacity and willingness to heal. You could have countered with a testimony about giving so that the Lord might accomplish His healing, perhaps less miraculously, but more spiritually.

You gave of your time and talents for several hours yesterday (and will also today) in the review of the book manuscript. That is important in several ways, of which you were only barely aware. It was giving in order that the book might be improved and young people benefit. It was a professional task that shall continue your credibility as a balanced professional, not one just centered only on the spiritual. And, finally, it is the way I give extra money to you… that you might “earn” what I purpose for you to have as a needed extra. Be more conscious of these symbols as another such chance comes your way… and it shall.

Giving is that most spiritual of acts. Lenore does it more freely than you do. Never cease to appreciate this quality in her being. Let her example bring you to more freedom in giving, but also appreciate your differences in being. You shall not be as she is… in order that you might be better at being who you are. Your gifts to others are different, often not as noticeable, but are yours uniquely to give. Be aware of selfishness only that you might give more selflessly the next time.

But hear again also of the reciprocal – a good and loving receiver be. The fullest spiritual quality in giving comes when one gives, selflessly and joyously, and another receives, appreciating, with equal joy, that someone has met his need… and then he who receives is motivated and energized to give in return… to the original giver or to one in more need. And thus is the spirit, even My spirit, increased and manifested here in the earth.

There are many opportunities each day. Many you will not notice, and some you will, and yet pass up. Acknowledge your shortcomings as a giver, yet know that the only way to increase that aspect of you is by taking an opportunity here, a chance there. Be aware… and yet not overaware. Be not righteous or overly proud, but be happy that you could do even a small favor for another.

FRIDAY., AUG. 21, 1981, 5:31 AM

You gave something important yesterday, o son, so let us reflect a bit upon Giving, that most spiritual of acts.

Giving blood, though it seems to be a simple, mundane process, can be seen as a beautifully symbolic event. Blood and breath are the two main symbols for life here in the earth, and blood clearly is the more tangible. As Jesus I used wine to symbolize My blood, and then I said, “Drink of this, for the remission of sins and for eternal life.” The little sac of blood that . . .

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