Giving It Away

WED., MAY 19, 1993, 8:57 AM

A title for today’s Teaching… what is it to be? Should I come from the discussion around the table at church? Should it relate to some cosmic theme, quite beyond your daily life? Well, you saw it suggested by brief interaction with an aging, black “panhandler.” You gave him money, and now you shall hear what I have to say about that… as it relates to the prophesies you are now studying.

It was good that you raised the issue of… how does this prophesy apply to us… us Americans at the end of the 20th century? You appear to be a mighty nation, with a strong military, great production capacities, a good working population, with both capital and credit. You are the prime world power, and yet I am acknowledged less and less as the sustainer of your affluence. In fact it borders on the illegal to proclaim that “The Lord God, the Triune God of Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit, is responsible for all we have. We have not ‘done it’ ourselves, but we are rewarded only as we give Him the credit.”

You remember, but not often enough, that I have assured you that I shall provide all that you need, and that your concern should be how you can give away… yes, give away… your excess, rather than accumulate luxuries or store it up for yourselves. You know that you have ample for your needs. Continue to be generous with the rest, giving it to Me, even as it actually goes to other persons or organizations.

On your walk back this morning you greeted a maturing black man, as you should, to maintain your bodily health and functioning. He responded to your greeting with friendliness, but also asked for money. You did not hesitate. You did not give him your largest bill, but neither did you settle for a small one. You felt good about this opportunity. You have much, and it certainly should be shared.

That interchange caused part of the morning’s discussion to resurface. It is easy to conclude that your culture has been blessed by Me… assuming that I am at least somewhat responsible for the conditions of this, and any, time and place. Yet, as you pronounced, not completely unlike a prophet of old, your culture pursues and endorses a way of life which shall damage My total creation, the earth and its myriad forms of life. Your way of life is unsustainable, but you proceed with it. You do invite My judgment and My use of earthly measures to bring you down.

Then you had a compensating thought. Your government is reluctant to tax further, leaving money earned to be determined by those earners… uses thereof. And still, services are rendered by governments for those who have needs, necessitating borrowing. This is not good business, but it can be seen as acceptable stewardship, for this time. It is not sustainable, but neither is your general way of life, so perhaps I am using your very own righteous behavior to bring you down. I do work in countless ways, and this certainly is a possibility.

WED., MAY 19, 1993, 8:57 AM

A title for today’s Teaching… what is it to be? Should I come from the discussion around the table at church? Should it relate to some cosmic theme, quite beyond your daily life? Well, you saw it suggested by brief interaction with an aging, black “panhandler.” You gave him money, and now you shall hear what I have to say about that… as it relates to the prophesies you are now studying.

It was good that you raised the issue of… how does this prophesy apply to us… us . . .

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