Giving To Me

SAT., NOV. 6, 1993, 6:51 AM

This is a time when the church of which you are an active part asks for a pledge. You know that, while what you give regularly shall be used by the church for its “bills” (a few of which you may question), this really is an opportunity to give to Me. In the mystical sense, of which you are quite aware, the church is My Body, and even small “units,” such as the First Presbyterian Church of Carbondale, should be seen as My Body. It is both a part and the Whole, just as I am both Three and One. So I want you to see that giving to the church, in this promissory way, is giving to Me. It is possible not to see it this way, but I don’t recommend that or approve of it.

Giving to Me is one of the important spiritual experiences you can have here in the earth. In your materialistic culture the value of this giving is dimmed, and many don’t recognize it as they give, sparingly and with some amount of whining, or as they don’t give at all. There is so much of obvious or at least apparent value that money could buy. Giving to the church doesn’t seem to have the impact that the purchase of some “consumer good” will bring. But, of course, this means that more spiritual growth and strength comes when you do give to Me, through My Body, rather than other uses of the money.

Here’s another thought… for the motive for your giving is just as important, spiritually, as the actual use of the money. You had some concern, though it was minor, about what you spent on gifts for Lenore, on this, her birthday. You and Lenore are spiritual partners, and I was much involved in your coming together and in staying together over these years. Thus, as Lenore is, in effect, a gift from Me what you give to her can be considered as a gift to Me. You didn’t think this way when you made the purchases, but you could have.

Now I realize that this could be interpreted as less concern for her… your giving to Me through her. Again it is mystical, not rational. Rational thinking messes it all up. These are gifts of love, not of necessity. I am the Source of Love, and when you give in love you are giving to Me.

Back to the church again… you are giving in love… love for the worship services, the building that is so functionally familiar, and the various experiences of spirit that you have had and will have as a church member. You are not giving for computer or toilet paper, for heating the building when no one is there, and for other items you might not consider spiritual. You give because this is a place of love and of concern one for the other.

There are many uses for money, and I have few objections to how you choose to allot that which I give to you. Here again you must think mystically. Rationally you know your salary, the source of most of your present money, is paid by the State of Illinois for services rendered. I don’t sign your checks, but, as you see, you receive no tangible check but only a notice that money has been credited to your account. Let this imply, at least, that I am ultimately responsible for what is given to you regularly… even as I am not an agent of your State.

SAT., NOV. 6, 1993, 6:51 AM

This is a time when the church of which you are an active part asks for a pledge. You know that, while what you give regularly shall be used by the church for its “bills” (a few of which you may question), this really is an opportunity to give to Me. In the mystical sense, of which you are quite aware, the church is My Body, and even small “units,” such as the First Presbyterian Church of Carbondale, should be seen as My Body. It is both a part and the . . .

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