Global Spirit

JUNE 13, 1980, 8:55 AM

It is not just chance, o son, that you are reading this issue of The Futurist as you move along this trip. This gives you some of the experience of things happening simultaneously. You are obviously immersed in alcohol issues… and I still want you to continue to practice and meditate upon My suggestions for the Sunday night presentation, for I want that one to be even better than the one accomplished… but I also want you to consider global issues. For the spirit is involved in these global happenings. Again, not either/or but both/and.

First, know always that the total world is My Creation, and that what happens is of concern to Me. But consider this analogy: you have a class, say, the one just past in death education. There are certain things you want to happen in that class, and you have a certain amount of control over what students encounter and what experiences they have. Still, there is much that goes on in and as a result of the class that is not directly related to your purposes. The analogy is a rough one, and does not hold in relation to knowledge. There is much that goes on as a result of your class of which you don’t know… whereas I do know all that happens in the world. But much of it does not spur Me to action. It happens because of the way I created the world, and I anticipated all that occurs.

You see, o son, there are consequences to any creation. You did your musical presentation last night and, rightly, you dedicated it to Me. But you still felt inappropriate concern that more weren’t there and that some seemed unenthusiastic. That is a special presentation. It shall touch some people deeply, delight others, provoke some to thought, and leave others rather cold. So it would be with anything you did. So enjoy the approbations and listen not to the critics or the silent. So, too, there are consequences to all that I do… and have done.

As medical and health people discover and employ more knowledge about relationships with the microscopic world and other diseases there is more and longer human life. Some of this is appreciated and used well. But another result is starvation, misery, and suffering. I can intervene in some individual cases, but, in general, the negatives are inevitable consequences. Am I responsible? No… and Yes.

Yet always remember that there is an underlying rhythm and spirit to this world. Babies are born, nurture occurs (in a wide variety of ways), purpose in life is realized and implemented, reflection on life happenings occurs, and then comes the end of this earth existence, rapidly or more slowly, with little notice or with much time to contemplate. These are the fundamental ways of relating to other people… however they may be like, or unlike yourself. Spiritual relating comes through children and experiences in nurturing, through what people do and for what purposes, through their view of life happenings (such as the short conversation with Carl about the roles of the clergy in alcohol problems), and in the experiences of death, in its many forms.

You see that there are some terrible consequences ahead if the purposes of your country, the U.S.A., are to be realized. Still there are terrible consequences to changes and to the formulation of new purposes. What shall happen to the world in the future shall restore, in some, a strong sense of spirit, of sharing and of thankfulness for what they have. At the same time others shall despair, turn to destruction, and shall essentially give up being human persons. They shall have to meet themselves, again, of course, so though the consequences are immediately and obviously terrible, ultimately all experiences afford the opportunity for growth… in self… in relation to Me… in the depth and breadth of spirit.

As I suggested yesterday, consider this global future as a focus for your concern. Since I am concerned you shall learn much from Me. There can be some in both of your summer classes.

I don’t intend to overload you, but merely to remind you that this global concern of yours is not to be lost… and is to include the spiritual dimension.

Seek Me often. Shalom as you travel
9:37 AM