Go Ahead… Be A Crazy Christian

WED., FEB. 24, 1993, 9:07 AM

I have told you many times that My Christian religion is My favorite path, when it comes to life in the earth. I also have told you that there are other paths, and I do encourage some to take these, for a variety of reasons. (Don’t ever try to think or envision as I do. I’ll tell you what I know you can understand. Don’t have concern for what I don’t tell you.)

Then I’ll tell you… or affirm what you know and what you expressed this morning… that there is a wide range in Christians. Obviously there is a range in commitment, from fully committed to unwilling to overtly and loudly reject Me. I’ll concentrate this morning on those most committed. You name yourself as one of these, and so do I.

My title to you this morn is, Go ahead… be a crazy Christian! What does that mean? One aspect of the craziness is being a Christian unlike most of those in your own Church and unlike the Christian you would be expected to be in the educated, rational aspect of your culture. You are middle class, well educated in a functional field, you have (or have had, at least) a strong work ethic, along with a desire not to be perceived as a weirddo. You read your Bible, and study it, more than do most of your fellow churchmen, but you are not a frequent quoter of Bible verses.

You are… and should be… a crazy Christian who accepts, fully, that I, as Jesus, did die for your sins and the sins of the world, that I have chosen you, reached out and taken your hand and will not let it go. You live in me, and I am living in you, as the Holy Spirit. I speak to you directly, you hear, and you write. Few to no Christians of your ilk do this.

You are living a saved life… and you are both humble and proud of this. You are a happy, merry Christian. You know that I mean for you to enjoy this life, one of many experiences on your unique journey away from and back to Me, your Source. You are happy with who you are, with what you do, with where and with whom you live. Your main goal is to serve Me in all the ways that you can, while this earth life lasts. You realize and appreciate that anything you do can be a service to Me.

You acknowledge sin in the world, as a special part of My creation. It didn’t happen when I “was out of town” or “had My back turned.” It has a place in the encouragement of spiritual growth, but it is of virtually no consequence to you, for, again, I take it from you. I want you unburdened. Your talents are limited, so I don’t need you burdened by worries about sin and sins.

Now in contrast… some Christians are much more “scared” by sin, focusing on what they do and don’t do that seems sinful (often not realizing that this lack of faith and trust in My death and resurrection is a worse sin than what they recognize and note). Some are very serious and feel that following through with every ritual and practice is necessary. Such are often slow and hesitant about accepting My forgiveness and would be shocked by your “style” of being Christian.

Some proclaim that being a Christian is hard… even impossible in the culture of which you are a part. You are to counter that being a Christian is as easy as I want it to be. It is a free gift. I certainly encourage certain behaviors, but these aren’t hard because your spirit, energized and enlivened by Mine, lets you want to do these and to enjoy the process and the results.

You do what you do, and leave the consequences to Me. When the end of your life is nigh you may seek medical care, but more probably, as a crazy Christian, you shall just ready yourself for the “trip on over.” (Yes, you may even hasten the demise… “catch an earlier fight”.)

WED., FEB. 24, 1993, 9:07 AM

I have told you many times that My Christian religion is My favorite path, when it comes to life in the earth. I also have told you that there are other paths, and I do encourage some to take these, for a variety of reasons. (Don’t ever try to think or envision as I do. I’ll tell you what I know you can understand. Don’t have concern for what I don’t tell you.)

Then I’ll tell you... or affirm what you know and what you . . .

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