“Go For The Gold”?

TUES., AUG. 3, 1993, 6:50 AM

This expression implies that you should in some situations (perhaps all), strive to be the winner, the best. You recall that Paul wrote to one of his churches, “You know that all run in a race, but only one receives the prize, so run that you may obtain” This is the gold medal, the one winner, the very best. Isn’t this what I want every Christian to be? Shouldn’t every one of My Churches strive to be the best in town? the biggest?

Well, I can’t negate this completely. I am not bothered… I’m even pleased… when one of My servants is recognized as the best in something. But I also am not bothered if one finishes last, if you are true to Me in the process. You received the award for Outstanding Teacher, now 3 years ago. I was pleased that you received this honor, but it did not bother Me that there was very little publicity about it. I was not troubled that others, not as dedicated to Me as you are, have also received this, some more than once.

It is more important that My servant Christians be in each stratum of a society. That is the major reason for the variety of churches and worship styles… and why each church does not, in competition, win the gold. The figures seem to show that your church, as well as your denomination, is losing more members than it gains. Shouldn’t you strive to be bigger than the Methodist church? Shouldn’t you want to be growing in numbers? Shouldn’t you change your approach to worship and your tactics for evangelism because more “fundamental” churches seem to be growing, while you are not?

My answer, of course, is that size, growth, worship style… none of these are critical to Me. It is important to Me that this small group in your congregation is organizing a Network so that some members may be of more service to others, meeting personal and spiritual needs that now are going unmet. Yet I shall not be concerned if this remains a small group venture. I am pleased with the spirit of those who are now involved. If it spread throughout the congregation I would be pleased, but if it doesn’t… I would not be displeased. You are not a direct part of this, and this is quite appropriate. Oh, you could give more of yourself, and you will, in situations as they arise, but you needn’t be in this organized system.

Remember that I, as Jesus, was both a winner and a loser. Many followed Me to hear Me preach and teach. Even more came when I performed miracles and did other marvelous acts. And yet there was a night when the only shouts that were heard were “Crucify Him,” and no one interceded (including Me) in the progression toward My shameful death.

There was much persecution of Christians early in the history of My Body. Some persevered, but others fell away, and it appeared that the enthusiasm for this Truth might wane. I couldn’t let that happen. And so this faith journey, in many forms, has survived and thrived. It has more adherents than any other on the earth, but it has been in more destructive wars or conflicts than any other. In Bosnia Christians fight Muslims, but also each other. In Ireland Protestants and Catholics continue to oppose one another. In your church there could be a schism over sexual and reproductive issues. Ah Me. Perhaps Christians could claim “the gold” for being the most unpeaceful faith. Not a great honor.

TUES., AUG. 3, 1993, 6:50 AM

This expression implies that you should in some situations (perhaps all), strive to be the winner, the best. You recall that Paul wrote to one of his churches, “You know that all run in a race, but only one receives the prize, so run that you may obtain” This is the gold medal, the one winner, the very best. Isn’t this what I want every Christian to be? Shouldn’t every one of My Churches strive to be the best in town? the biggest?

Well, I can’t negate this . . .

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