God For The Jews?

THURS., JULY 3, 1997, 5:54 AM

The study of Judges is over… plus Ruth… and you expect some comment from Me. This is a busy week for you, and you’ll have three more, but there must be time for Me. Did I use barking dogs and My well-tested “fear approach” to bring you here? Hmmm…

To the class yesterday afternoon you gave your Eulogy for Russ, affirming that I have a special place for warriors. That seems more than possible when you read of the killings I caused or allowed, even among My own people, the Jews. One tribe is virtually wiped out, for allowing rape and murder. It is hard for you to appreciate what seems to be My approval of conflict that results in thousands of deaths, but the story seems to be told this way.

Remember another “problem” you have had with Scripture… with an explanation of Mine, as Jesus, when I said I use parables “in order that they may not understand”. I simply cannot be “defined” and “delimited” by your way of thinking. I am all love, but I also am much more. I love all people equally, and I had and have a special love for this original people that I chose, the Jews. I am the God and Spirit of Peace, and I instigate and encourage war and killing. I love unconditionally, and I hate certain behaviors and attitudes. Thus, by the thinking you have learned in your culture, and which is dominant among you who are well-educated, I am an inconsistent, irrational God, Who doesn’t meet your standards for “excellence”.

Then remember the First Commandment – you shall have no other gods before Me. I am the only God there is, and I am to be acknowledged and served, however I am. One “characteristic” of enlightenment is this acceptance of Me, however I am, which is then in tandem with the realization that this is how I am with you all, how I react and respond. I am All in All. I am Everything. I love you humans, My highest creation. I love those who are most intelligent, and also those who are severely handicapped cognitively… and all “shades” in between.

I hate selfishness and self-centeredness and I love selfish people, for this is the way selfishness is overcome. Love is My very Essence, and I am everything you can imagine, and more. I love sinners, and I hate and destroy sinners.

You see that I use the word “and” in these irrational statements rather than “but”. “But” would imply that I am really one way, with a few exceptions. “And” implies that I am truly and fully All that can be conceived and imagined. I hate and combat evil, and I cause and allow evil. In this last story in Judges I led “My people” to virtually exterminate one of their own tribes, I then made them feel sorrow for this loss, and led them to a bizarre “solution” of stealing young women to be the wives of the remnant and restore the tribe. I disapproved of all of this, and I was actively involved in the whole occasion.

The Old Testament and the New seem to have contrasting stories and pictures of Me. I am in them equally and fully. These Scriptures are special, every one of them (even Philemon), and I tell you that these Teachings are of more value to you than these official Scriptures.

I want you to be everything you can be, and I want you to be only who you really are… this time. I am leading you to ultimate understandings and realizations, and I am telling you that you can never comprehend Me and My ways. What is impossible is possible, and what is possible is impossible.

THURS., JULY 3, 1997, 5:54 AM

The study of Judges is over… plus Ruth… and you expect some comment from Me. This is a busy week for you, and you’ll have three more, but there must be time for Me. Did I use barking dogs and My well-tested “fear approach” to bring you here? Hmmm…

To the class yesterday afternoon you gave your Eulogy for Russ, affirming that I have a special place for warriors. That seems more than possible when you read of the killings I caused or allowed, even among My own people . . .

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