God… In A Different Time

TUES., NOV. 14, 2000, 12:55 AM

You do wonder, as you read this story of Saul, Jonathan, and, finally David, how I could be so apparently different then than I Am now. One Scripture notes that I pledged to David that I would be their God forever. In this story I clearly favored the Jews, even as they were punished now and again for sins against Me. But you read this with the perspective of Me, born in the Jewish tradition as the Baby Jesus, and, as a man declaring that I was The Son of God.

This was not accepted by My Jews of that time (the disciples did but those in power didn’t), and thus I was put to death as one “stirring up trouble”… but I rose from the grave, declared that My death had been sacrificial… for those who would accept that I was… and Am… The Son of God. Most of the Jews did not. Many Gentiles did, and, with some more sacrifices… Christianity was “born.”

The Jews, in this time of David’s reign as their king, were a power in that region, waging successful wars against enemies. Today they are not a great power but they are mostly successful against present day Palestinians. In “your time,” as a preface to and a reason for World War II, the Germans persecuted the Jews, not particularly for their religion, but this was a factor, your country, with its allies, defeated Germany and established the land of Israel as the Jewish homeland, dispossessing the Palestinians who then occupied that territory. These now are mostly Moslems, this not being a factor in this David story.

So… the Jews continue as My People. Yet I also call Christians My People, for you accept My Divinity, as Jesus, the Christ. And I also have come to the Moslem people in that region as Allah, the One True God. In this David story I was One, and I spoke to him personally and often. I assured him victories… his troops did better than if they had just been “on their own.” And David did accept that I was the “Helping Force” that he needed.

David had many wives, but he especially wanted Bathsheba, even though she was married. She became pregnant, so he “arranged” for her husband, Uriah, to be killed n battle… and then married her. Now, presumably, I, as Yahweh God, arranged this and let it all happen. ( 1:27 / 1:30 ) But then I punished them by causing the baby to die… and then forgave them… for I did give them Solomon, who became another “sometimes good and sometimes not so good” servant of Mine.

In those pre-Christ times I worked through kings and other chosen men. I was satisfied with that way of influencing earth life… BUT… of course you also know that this was not the only group of people in My total Creation. You know, from your higher education that I had come to other groups of humans in a variety of ways. What ( 1:40 / 1:44 ) about the natives of this continent and the many peoples of the Far East and of Africa? Well, these are My people, too, and I have come to them in even more varied ways.

You needn’t be concerned about all of this. You are a Christian. Be as good a Christian as you can be and worry not about the “other ways” I have been. And, of course, I have come to you in this special, “not-very-Christian” way, calling you a mystic… who hears Me in a way rather few humans, in each era, do.

In this story you read of Me quite readily destroying and killing many people. And now I tell you that I am finding it quite “difficult” to cause human deaths and prevent births at a time when human actions are threatening the continued health of the earth itself. Have I lost the power I clearly had in David’s time? Do I want to allow the continuing destruction, coming from human living in this modern time? Or shall I “allow” certain actions that WILL take human lives and rebalance humans and the rest of “nature.” You shall not live to experience the answer to these questions, but hear that I shall “let you now”… if you’re still interested.

TUES., NOV. 14, 2000, 12:55 AM

You do wonder, as you read this story of Saul, Jonathan, and, finally David, how I could be so apparently different then than I Am now. One Scripture notes that I pledged to David that I would be their God forever. In this story I clearly favored the Jews, even as they were punished now and again for sins against Me. But you read this with the perspective of Me, born in the Jewish tradition as the Baby Jesus, and, as a man declaring that I was The Son of God . . .

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