God, “The Conservative”?

TUES., FEB. 7, 1995, 6:06 AM

Certainly there are some of My servants… dedicated and sincere ones, too, who must know and portray Me as the supreme conservative. Well, in one sense I am, but as I speak to you, I am not as I am to them. You want to hear and write down this contrast, now don’t you?

I am a conservative in wanting to conserve the integrity of this earth realm. As I tell you over and over again, it is a special place for spiritual growth, and I do not want it damaged by one or two generations so that it is not usable in the future. I do love humans, and hence I am now too liberal in allowing the numbers that are now abounding in the earth. I am conservative in continuing to favor human life, but excessively liberal in permitting so much of it.

I am conservative in favoring freedom for those who have their hand in Mine. Many of those who are proud to be called conservative (and who assume I am with them in this appellation) have been financially successful and live rather too flagrantly affluent lives. They assume, generally, that I favor freedom for them to be successful, and to continue the activities that underlie their financial success. But I tell you I am not in favor of more and more “production” of luxuries, production that strains the earth’s capacities.

I would prefer that My servants be free to lead a rather simple life, giving generously so that those with less worldly success might have a somewhat larger share of the necessities.

The conservative way in which these servants of whom I speak believe is founded upon the choice of one article in one verse of Scripture. The Gospel writer John, certainly one of My favorites and whose Gospel is the most important to those of you in My mystical tradition, had Me, as Jesus, say: “I am THE way, THE truth and THE life; no one comes to THE Father but by Me.” That’s conservative. There is only one way, one truth. Other ways are false and errant. I want everyone in the earth on one narrow path, and only a few have found and are attracted to it.

It follows, then, that those who are not on this narrow, single path shall, at bodily death, go to hell and spend eternity suffering. As a conservative God, in this “political” sense, I am tough. You are forgiven and can spend eternity with Me only if you follow THE way. There is a certain attractiveness to this way, I must admit, as Almighty God. According to the Scriptures I was often this way with My chosen people, the Jews. I thought I had made My only way clear to them. When they did not follow it I punished them. But how conservative must I be. There are many Jews today who try to follow this “old” way, the pre-Jesus way. But I, as Jesus, am THE way. If they don’t choose Me, as Jesus, I, as Almighty God, the One who chose them, must send them to everlasting damnation. This is God, at His conservative best.

TUES., FEB. 7, 1995, 6:06 AM

Certainly there are some of My servants… dedicated and sincere ones, too, who must know and portray Me as the supreme conservative. Well, in one sense I am, but as I speak to you, I am not as I am to them. You want to hear and write down this contrast, now don’t you?

I am a conservative in wanting to conserve the integrity of this earth realm. As I tell you over and over again, it is a special place for spiritual growth, and I do not want it . . .

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