God Within

TUES., DEC. 13, 1988, 6:44 AM

You spent considerable time yesterday on the book, A God Within, a portion of your sabbatical project. You have a sense that I, the Holy Spirit, approve of this concept, even though it is a limited one. Naturally you are interested in a more complete and current observation on this theme. Listen, o son, and you shall be filled.

God within is a fine concept. For some people, even some groups of people, I come principally, even solely, from within, for in this way I influence spirits most effectively. Some have been turned away from Me, as external, Almighty God, Always Other. There are various reasons for this, all of which are unfortunate, but humans are still My creations, and so I adapt to differences, rather than lamenting or blaming or rejecting.

I work through what some would call the conscience, encouraging right actions and discouraging those not conducive to a responsible, caring life. I work through the developing and developed personality, encouraging a sense of self-esteem and self-worth. I prod toward a sense of purpose, even “one day at a time.”

Most wonderfully, however, I am perceived as influencing, or even being, that “deep down inside” sense of power, purpose, and reserve. Some call on Me only in times of great plight, hoping for some reserve of strength, stamina, and determination. In many such situations I am there, and I encourage that which is needed from the person. In some, even with desire for My help (not for me, but just for My help) there is too much doubt and lack of faith. My efforts are blocked, for only infrequently do I simply overpower such doubts. (It is dramatic when I do this, and satisfying, but this is not My “grandstand” style.)

Some whom I do help and who come through the time of trauma successfully feel only pride in their own accomplishments and quickly forget their fumbling attempts to seek My assistance. In some instances I am pleased with this response, for what is needed is greater self-esteem and confidence, even though this may perpetuate too strongly the sense of individuality as ultimate reality.

And there are some for whom the situation of plight is too drastic. My help (apart from a big miracle) is not sufficient, and the situation is a loss. Sometimes this is good, and sometimes quite harmful. Remember, of course, that any such situation, no matter how apparently destructive, (even of earth life) can be one of spiritual growth. That’s the bedrock of My relations with the spirit in persons – no life situation is without its potential for growth, no matter what the apparent results. Oh, one other observation: occasionally I purposely do not help in the way the individual wants, in order to encourage the experience of failing and having to take the consequences. I can only assure you that this is proper “God conduct.”

In some persons this God within concept (even god within) is satisfying and sufficient for an entire earth life. I have to say that such are almost never well developed, spiritually, but this experience is sufficient, so it seems. Others allow this to grow toward God as a larger and more omnipresent force, even external to them. (This usually works through nature rather than directly to Me as Wholly Other.)

The spirit within each person naturally reaches out to Me, the Supreme Spirit, that from which all have come and to which all shall return. In any life, particularly when family and culture do not encourage acknowledgment of Me or where experiences with Christianity have been, themselves, traumatic, the blocks to this reaching out may be too strong. I wait. I usually do not force.

TUES., DEC. 13, 1988, 6:44 AM

You spent considerable time yesterday on the book, A God Within, a portion of your sabbatical project. You have a sense that I, the Holy Spirit, approve of this concept, even though it is a limited one. Naturally you are interested in a more complete and current observation on this theme. Listen, o son, and you shall be filled.

God within is a fine concept. For some people, even some groups of people, I come principally, even solely, from within, for in this way I influence spirits most effectively . . .

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