God’s Judgment

WED., JUNE 26, 1996, 8:35 AM

In the midst of a reading and some contemplation of these Old Testament prophets you are pushed to consider the nature of My judgment, as the Almighty, Powerful God. You suspect that as Holy Spirit I am not “the One” Who makes the judgments and executes the retribution, for which the judgment calls. Yet I am an integral one with this Trinitarian Godhead, so I can speak as an “other” or as the One.

I liked your question after the underlining and contemplation of Zephaniah: could such a judgment as that prophesied for Jerusalem be deserved by your country, your culture? In some ways you acknowledge Me, even seek Me, but the main energy of your culture is expended in producing, mostly unnecessary or just competitive “stuff”. Money and things tend to be much more important than service to Me. I notice how little the time and attention given to Me usually is.

So the answer to your question is… Yes, the time is not past for actions such as are threatened in these times 2 ½ centuries ago. And I still could use some means that I truly don’t like and admire to bring you to a “state” more compatible with My values. It is not My Way to admire fancy, expensive cars, lavish clothing, jewelry, mechanical devices, and… My approval of your increasingly expensive medical establishment is greatly exaggerated. Video depictions of the stock market and futures market “in action” is one of the silliest of human actions. You know of My lack of enthusiasm for your space program, for designing, building, and installing ever more destructive weapons, and for any of the industries producing nuclear waste.

Obviously these “practices” grab My attention. So, if I’m so powerful, why do I allow so much that I don’t like. Well, remember that the earth is a special realm, different from all others in the amount and types of conflict which I both allow and encourage. Yet I do say that it’s possible that your culture’s time of prosperity and power could come to an end. For this would provide quite a challenge for all that ages in your land.

You were born in a time of relative prosperity, but before you were conscious of the actions in your culture the time was depression. Your father was employed during this whole time, with no college education. He provided sufficiently for your small family, and you felt no real deprivation. Your home was adequate, and you remember the neighborhood of your childhood very positively.

As you’ve often noted the war you participated in, minimally, came just at the right time for you. Your higher education was guaranteed, and you chose a worthwhile career, and have served in it in ways pleasing to Me. You now know that I have guided you before you were aware of My Presence. You are far from perfect, but you know this, along with the “other knowledge” that as you come and pay attention to Me you become perfect.

Does all of this guarantee you protection from some suffering at My Hands? Of course not. You are experiencing minor deteriorations of your formerly quite functional body. Do you deserve more? Well, just consider these “imperfections” as challenges to your spirit. You truly are capable, spiritually, of appreciating what blessings you have, and focusing on these rather than on the disabilities.

WED., JUNE 26, 1996, 8:35 AM

In the midst of a reading and some contemplation of these Old Testament prophets you are pushed to consider the nature of My judgment, as the Almighty, Powerful God. You suspect that as Holy Spirit I am not “the One” Who makes the judgments and executes the retribution, for which the judgment calls. Yet I am an integral one with this Trinitarian Godhead, so I can speak as an “other” or as the One.

I liked your question after the underlining and contemplation of Zephaniah: could such a judgment as that . . .

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