God’s Love In Nepal

TUES., MAR. 30, 1993, 5:32 AM

It was a pleasing evening class session. Most of those present had read the book… the story of a Christian mission hospital in a non-Christian country. It is a story that tried to focus, ultimately, upon God’s love, through My presence, as being the most important factor in Dr. Hale’s medical experience there. Yes, of course I was there, and so to help complete the story for you I come in this early morning with a relevant Teaching.

His was an experience you have not had, and probably will not have in this life – working with people in a completely different language from your own, people who are uneducated and steeped in traditions quite different from yours. With Me in his heart he wanted to love them and to show it through his medical service to them. A few accepted Me, through him. Most had some appreciation for the service, but their own spiritual paths were too dominating.

Medical services can be appreciated, but, despite some clear life-saving cases, these didn’t impact enough people or change life dramatically for them. They knew what life was, and in it there was often a lot of suffering. The dominant spiritual path encouraged acceptance of what was, with equanimity, blended with sorrow.

Dr. Hale, in his Christian humility, did not liken his experience to Mine, as Jesus. In My time on earth there was not much in the way of medical expertise in that small portion of the earth. I did some healing, and My fame spread, somewhat. But it was clear, to most, that My heling powers were not going to change the cultural set. Individual healings could be appreciated, even marveled at, but for most of the sick and handicapped, life went on. I showed that God’s love could heal… could even bring a man back from the dead… but this remained the unusual. The usual was life, as it naturally was.

And so it was with this small mountainside hospital in an area of a half million people. God’s love showed forth in surgical skill, and this, too, was appreciated, but it had no impact on the lives of most. A few became Christian, and this always is pleasing to Me, but I could not use Dr. Hale’s presence to miraculously change a whole population to My way. I didn’t do this, as Jesus. Dr. Hale was not greater than I.

This man’s life was greatly affected by this experience of which he wrote. His presence and his skills were equally impressive on a few who live on in that area, but for most there was no lasting impression. For some My love shone out through him. For others he was just a foreign man with foreign ways that were not valued. He didn’t save everyone. He wasn’t always pleasant. His reactions were often odd. He prayed in strange ways. Life goes on. There will be other missionary servants… or else there will not be.

In his last chapter he sounded the alarm that I also have set off in you. It fits with nothing I said as Jesus, for in My short time in the earth there was not the pressure of population growth. He was a man who saved lives and helped restore health. What he saw then was the developing destruction of that land because of the bare needs of that increasing population. They were not driving powerful cars or manufacturing goods aplenty. They were juts living simple, poor, uneducated lives… and they are ruining their land, just by multiplying.

TUES., MAR. 30, 1993, 5:32 AM

It was a pleasing evening class session. Most of those present had read the book… the story of a Christian mission hospital in a non-Christian country. It is a story that tried to focus, ultimately, upon God’s love, through My presence, as being the most important factor in Dr. Hale’s medical experience there. Yes, of course I was there, and so to help complete the story for you I come in this early morning with a relevant Teaching.

His was an experience you have not had, and probably . . .

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