God’s Many “Attributes”

MON., FEB. 21, 1994, 4:09 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak first… and mostly… about the God as revealed in the Holy Bible, the Holy Scriptures for Christian humans. Essentially this God is One, but also is Three, which strongly implies that this God has more of a mystical than a rational nature. God is usually addressed as “He,” but it is assumed that He also includes all the characteristics of “She.” God, then, is either asexual or both fully masculine and fully feminine.

God is the only and original Creator of all that humans can know. He also is the Sustainer of the earth and all of its life, as well as all spirits in some variety of spirit “worlds.” Many of the processes of sustainability have been established and function regularly without God’s immediate attention, and yet He may intervene at any time and place. He has never given up His power to change circumstances, even as this is not His normal “style.” God always has been and always will be.

At a particular point in earth time and place, this God incarnated as a baby Jewish boy, grew up, and lived a short life as a preacher, teacher, and healer. He was called both the Son of Man and the Son of God. He was both separate from the Father and At One with Him. His Spirit had always been, and will always be. He was a male, but He also showed forth feminine characteristics. He was celibate, but otherwise functioned as a male of His time and culture. At about 33 years of age He was condemned to die at the insistence of the religious leaders of His own people, because of claims that He was their promised Messiah. He was executed on a cross, a demeaning death. At the same time He gave His life, rather than had it taken from him, and took upon Himself the sins of all who would believe on and follow Him. He died and was buried, but He was resurrected, by God’s power. Scripture tells that He “hung around” the earth for a time, making it clear that He was alive again. Then He ascended into heaven, with a promise to return to the earth, at some future time.

God also was, from the beginning, the Holy Spirit, a Teacher, Interpreter, Counselor, and Personal Friend to many individual humans and groups. This Spirit also is referred to as He, but certainly manifests all of the positive characteristics of the female. It was the power of the Holy Spirit that caused Mary to become pregnant with Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus chose 12 disciples to be with Him in His ministry, but He didn’t establish a Church to perpetuate His memory and teachings. The Holy Spirit came to disciples and others after Jesus’ ascension, as wind and as fire and as understanding beyond language barriers. He made possible the establishment of the Church, which became the Body of Christ, here in the earth. Members of that Body are known as Christians and are the most numerous of any religious group on the earth.

Just as there are many diverse “parts” to a human body, so there are many diverse forms of this Church, the Body of Christ. Some see God as awesome, powerful, and sometimes vengeful… and are often unwilling to approach Him directly. Others come to God directly and feel that they are “dealt with” quite directly. Many focus much more on Jesus, sometimes witnessing to His direct presence in their lives. Still others, like yourself, have direct contact with Holy Spirit, learning much from Him.

Some Scriptures picture God as jealous, powerful, and quite as willing to destroy as to create. This is a God Who rightly prompts fear in those who come to Him. Other Scripture, including many about Jesus life, picture God as loving, forgiving Father… the essence and source of all real Love.

MON., FEB. 21, 1994, 4:09 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak first… and mostly… about the God as revealed in the Holy Bible, the Holy Scriptures for Christian humans. Essentially this God is One, but also is Three, which strongly implies that this God has more of a mystical than a rational nature. God is usually addressed as “He,” but it is assumed that He also includes all the characteristics of “She.” God, then, is either asexual or both fully masculine and fully feminine.

God is the only and original Creator of all that humans can . . .

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