God’s People

SEPT. 30, 1980, 5:18 AM

Hear, o son, some instruction about God’s people – who they are and why they are so. The phrase is used often, so it is important to know who it truly encompasses… from My perspective.

In a way this goes back to that marvelous parable I gave to you many years ago… about the father and son and servant who lived in a house… and those they invited and allowed to come live with them. For, truly, God’s people are a combination of the God-selected and the self-selected.

Now of course in a technical sense every human being who now lives, or who has ever lived, is one of God’s people. God is the Creator, and without Him not anything is made. So all people are God’s people. If that were the whole truth the teaching would be over. But it isn’t… and it isn’t. Hear further.

The human is Our greatest creation. (Since I, the Spirit, am intimately involved in this whole matter, I shall drop the objective stance and tell it as a partner in creation.) We expect something of that creation. Most basically, we expect acknowledgment of being created by Us (at least by God). Beyond basic awareness We expect appreciation – through prayer, meditation, study, and regular worship and praise…even supplication. Finally, we expect those who have this awareness and appreciation to spend some of their time and energies in bringing about this consciousness and recognition in others who do not seem to have it. That is, we expect all of God’s people to be evangels to one another.

In one sense the focus should be on those who are slow to acknowledge creation and their role as one of My people. But in another sense the important thing is the witnessing, the telling of your story… no matter who the hearers are. Strengthening one another in the faith has merit comparable to bringing a soul to new acknowledgment. We care for the lost sheep, but we also care for those in the fold.

God’s people (and We’re narrowing the inclusion further now) go beyond the awareness and appreciation. Because they have the capacity to attach action to their acknowledgment, they do so. They serve Us. And, finally, God’s people are in service continuously; all that they do and say and are are “given” to Us in service… a commitment of self to Us who created and who do sustain.

Yes, this now reduces the many to a comparative few, a select few – God’s chosen people. All are God’s people, but from amidst the all there come God’s chosen people.

SEPT. 30, 1980, 5:18 AM

Hear, o son, some instruction about God’s people – who they are and why they are so. The phrase is used often, so it is important to know who it truly encompasses… from My perspective.

In a way this goes back to that marvelous parable I gave to you many years ago… about the father and son and servant who lived in a house… and those they invited and allowed to come live with them. For, truly, God’s people are a combination of the God-selected and the self-selected . . .

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