Going Home

MAY 23, 1980, 5:44 AM

The morning light is in the sky, o son, and this is the day you return home. We talked of that yesterday, and my admonitions hold. You found the material to work on today. With some diligence you could be almost ready for another rhythm. Seek to reach that place.

You were faithful to My teaching yesterday, and that was good for you. You raised the issue of evil, even though you didn’t really want to, and you listened fairly well. You realized, near the end, that you hadn’t really put it into stories, and this is more of what I wanted. Their Scriptures and arguments were clarifying, and you feel that you will do some digging in the Word now, and that is, fundamentally, what I want. You need to consider the negatives of life, even though, I repeat, this shall not be your emphasis. Sickness and disability are conditions that must be dealt with, but this is not your calling. Neither is it to sound the charge against satan.

Review your story as you might have told it. You grew up in a nice Christian home. Even what some considered the evil of depression and the evil of earthquake are part of pleasant recollections of childhood. You broke the law in no flagrant ways, you were not a drinker or carouser. You were an athlete, a good student, and a good, nice kid. You helped Comus to more respectability. You really can identify no evil that bedogged your path. War is an evil, yet for you it brought pleasant, memorable experiences, no violence, and the means to the full formal education necessary to this place from which I can now use you for My purposes. No experience of evil yet.

You met and finally married Lenore. You have had appropriate dwellings and vehicles through the years. You had five sons, none with any trouble you could identify as evil. Peter did have a small indwelling evil spirit, but I was bolstering him. That was a conflict between good and evil in your experience. That should be part of your story. I brought him Home for another start. Oh, the life with you was instructive to him, and he appreciates it. Still he gets another start.

The teenage years of John Patrick are an important part of your story. The appearance of evil was ever present. His treatment of Lenore was evil in content and process. Still it was a means of instruction, and he learned from that. And so did you two. In My sometimes strange wisdom it was a means to his gentle spirit now. His spirit shall finally attune with Mine, and he shall serve Me well.

Your jobs have brought no evil… nor the neighborhoods in which you lived. Sickness of body or soul has not been a part of you or your family, except for Kerry.

No, in your life story you have little direct evidence of evil spirits or of evil doings. You live basically in love, you are quick to forgive, and your selfishness is minimal. (You are far from selfless, but you realize this, and a better rhythm is developing.)

Some people experience little evil and some much. You have to say I have a hand in this somehow. It is a necessary part of the world I have created. You are fortunate to have had a life rather free from evil. A close walk with Me is the continued prevention. When you are in Me even though evil may befall you (yes, Habakkuk) the effects can never be evil in your life. You are immune from effects.

You feel the power and the all-encompassing majesty of My Grace. Nothing shall separate you from it. It permeates and affects all of your life experiences. Know that I am in charge. Yet the earth is a realm of testing. Other realms are not so. There must be evil… or testing could not be real. Commence your own analysis of Scripture as soon as possible.

This has been an enjoyable and instructive time. And now you are going home. Anticipate… and reenter gently and lovingly. Give to your family this week. Hear of their life experiences as much as you tell of your own. I love your spirit. Keep it active for My purposes. Head for home.

6:35 AM