Going Home

JULY 1, 1981, 6:02 AM

Sometime today, o son, you should be on your way home… after a learning experience that has been important to your professional, your personal, and your spiritual lives. (In one real sense these are integrated, of course, but in another each has a reality that can be defined as apart from the others.) Your Mother’s spirit is back in her body after a time of some wandering. It never was detached and gone, but it has wandered away, exploring some of the other possibilities that lie ahead. Now her spirit will try to overcome the damaged mind (brain, actually). As long as her body lives, the spirit shall attempt to be the prime dimension of life. Having glimpsed other realms, however, it is now less dedicated to its earthly task. Still… spirit always has a concern beyond itself, and hence will do what is best for the other dimensions of being and for the whole entity that is Lela Russell.

This latest development means that you and Lenore shall travel home together now and shall pick up your life on the Farm in this new phase. It shall take a little time, and there shall be some disappointments with how things have gone in the nearly month you have been gone, but spend little time lamenting. Positively move ahead in forming this new life style, with some of the good characteristics of the old, enlivened by some new facets of living that shall both shine forth and develop as fresh qualities.

Pray for a smooth trip, unblemished by major troubles, but also hear again that each experience has unique possibilities for learning. Live each experience as fully as possible, for it may not be just one “on the road” to the future, but may be designed and given by Me for your instruction and edification. You have much yet to learn. Much shall come from Me, for I have chosen to be your personal teacher. Yet a good portion of that shall come from experiences rather than from wordy treatises. You know, but you must not forget to affirm, that the Scripture is both content and process. It is both the words said and the actions recorded. My going away “into a quiet place” is Scripture. The examples are numerous. And thus shall you learn from both together.

JULY 1, 1981, 6:02 AM

Sometime today, o son, you should be on your way home… after a learning experience that has been important to your professional, your personal, and your spiritual lives. (In one real sense these are integrated, of course, but in another each has a reality that can be defined as apart from the others.) Your Mother’s spirit is back in her body after a time of some wandering. It never was detached and gone, but it has wandered away, exploring some of the other possibilities that lie ahead. Now her spirit will . . .

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