Good And Evil: Some Of Each

TUES., JULY 16, 1996, 5:52 AM

Your time here is almost over, and so it is good that you have returned to Our early morning “meeting”. It is quite true that I can teach you in a variety of places, at many different times, but early morning is Our “base”, as is this cabana when you are here. (I’ll also add that I have much to say to and share with you, so never fear coming more often than you do while busy at home. You don’t have to “think up” the title, remember. I am a loquacious Teacher, remember.)

The most obvious example of the interplay of good and evil, as you observe it here, has to do with physical health and longevity. When you entered this field of health, actually teaching about if for the first time 47 years ago, the major emphasis was on the physical dimension. And your marvelous modern medical system still focuses mainly on physical anomalies and on prolonging life, no matter what the quality. I have led you, over your career, in a much more holistic direction, with increasing emphasis on the spiritual as the essence of health.

What you’re seeing here, in your parents, is the prolongation of physical life, while the mental, spiritual, and emotional recede. You try to see your Mother as the vibrant, energetic, personable woman she was, but it is hard to erase the present picture of a frail body with no connected thoughts and occasional evidences of almost demonic anger. The good that is attributed to physical longevity (isn’t it wonderful that she’s almost 94!?) is now more than matched with the evil of deterioration and loss of dignity.

It is usually assumed, particularly in your Christian tradition that I, as the Triune God, am wholly in favor of good and wholly opposed to evil. Therefore I am responsible for obvious good, and Satan had to be created as a force responsible for evil… including, strangely, death. But, conversely, one of My strong affirmations to you, in many contexts, is I am the Ultimate Power in all realms, including this unique one, earth. I allow evil and apparent evil, but the power to affect events and make changes is still fully Mine.

A long physical life is a good. Yet you also see the evil of dysfunction and deterioration crowding in and tainting that good. Spirit is the good that continues on, but without development… and even with regression… it becomes less good and more like evil. It is hard for you to connect the warm, loving spirit that was your Mother, with the fearful, angry looks and tone of voice that flares up now.

The balance of these two apparent opposites is never complete and set. You watched the program about animals, and saw the zebra calf being steered away from its mother and devoured by hyenas. Then you noted that as the pack of hyenas feasted on this one others were able to run away and live. But then there were lions…

I have affirmed your observation that the Holocaust and the death of 6 million Jews, My original “chosen people”, was an evil. Yet out of it came the reestablishment of Israel as the home for the survivors. Now it is clear that this was land taken from Palestinians, and those living now want it back. In a minor, less violent, mirror of this, some Hawaiians here want land back from “you”, who took it from them to “develop” it more energetically.

A visit here is good, but it prevents you from being home, which you see as an even greater good. Thus you have given up something better for something good. Your Old Testament study tells you clearly that I used what were obviously evil forces to discipline My people… evil used for My purposes, which are always good, by definition.

TUES., JULY 16, 1996, 5:52 AM

Your time here is almost over, and so it is good that you have returned to Our early morning “meeting”. It is quite true that I can teach you in a variety of places, at many different times, but early morning is Our “base”, as is this cabana when you are here. (I’ll also add that I have much to say to and share with you, so never fear coming more often than you do while busy at home. You don’t have to “think up” the title . . .

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