Good Will… And…

SAT., FEB. 21, 1998, 1:12 PM

A provocative movie that should encourage you to contemplate… Will’s life… and then yours. Permit Me to help, on what was, originally, quite a sunny day. I know this wasn’t the reason you came up here, but I used it to bring forth this Teaching… and you knew you had to do at least four this week.

Will was young, as you were once. You are almost old, and there were few clues as to how he would be at a comparable age. Will’s growing up years seemed to be quite different from yours, and his environment certainly was at the time in his life depicted in the film. At Will’s age you had completed some college work, had been in the Navy almost 3 years (during a wartime), had been commissioned as “an officer and a gentleman” and served a few months as such, and were now back in college, as an athlete and a fun-loving fraternity man… but also a fairly good student.

Your parents weren’t college educated, nor were your grandparents, yet there was encouragement for you, as one of above average intelligence, to go for higher education. Will didn’t have such encouragement; in fact there was much subtle pressure to remain in South Boston, living life that was familiar.

Yet he had some special abilities, ones that most of you don’t have and that a few work hard and long to develop, with only moderate success. Will had a gift. Was it from Me? Well, you could say it was, for “all things come of Thee, O Lord”… or you could just chalk it up to My love for diversity. As the story was told there was no suggestion that a unique mathematical ability and a photographic memory were to be used to “advance My Kingdom”.

These abilities made him a bit odd to his pals, and quite special to the mathematician and the therapist. So, in the film story, he was being both pushed and pulled out of his normal life, and… what next? There could be many “next scenes” and, finally, endings to this story. What you experienced was just a provocative glimpse into that life at one “stage”. His life could continue happy and productive, in another setting, or it could end up tragic, with a special talent wasted and responsible for his unhappiness.

So… was this just an interesting story, or does it have some application to you? You have neither of the abilities he had, but I began to have some influence on your life, even from your adolescent years, you now realize. Then, in your 50’s I laid this “gift” on you – the capacity to “hear” Me, Holy Spirit, and the motivation to write what you “hear” Me telling you, with some regularity, trust, and acceptance of this, for what I say it is. This makes you “different”, as judged by friends, family, colleagues, and students, somewhat similar to Will’s situation (with all the dis-similarities already noted). You “advertise” this ability and its “products” quite sparingly, even as you are humbly pleased with the Teachings and the Ruminations, which utilize them quite well.

I have told you that you are not called to found a new religion or sect (there are plenty of these now… more than enough). You are not called to be famous, either to be eulogized or castigated. You are called to be faithful to this special gift, to hear Me often, and write down what you discern from this unique “conversation between friends”. There is no great cosmic purpose for this. It could be said, with some truth, that I’m just having fun.

But then I’ll add that what I say to you is truth for you, the best you’ll have, as complementary or supplementary to My Holy Scriptures. These shall help you live these last years of your life in the fullest fashion possible and make the transition on to spiritual realms quite a breeze.

SAT., FEB. 21, 1998, 1:12 PM

A provocative movie that should encourage you to contemplate… Will’s life… and then yours. Permit Me to help, on what was, originally, quite a sunny day. I know this wasn’t the reason you came up here, but I used it to bring forth this Teaching… and you knew you had to do at least four this week.

Will was young, as you were once. You are almost old, and there were few clues as to how he would be at a comparable age. Will’s growing up years seemed . . .

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