Governing… And People

TUES., NOV. 3, 1992, 6:20 AM

Today is the day toward which much time, human energy, and money have been pointed, in this democracy of yours. At the end of this day some shall be pleased and elated, while others shall loudly lament what “the people have done”. Yours is a very complex system, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. There are no systems clearly better, so yours is unlikely to see much change in the near future. Yet, if your economic system does not perk up soon the political system may be in jeopardy.

I have told you repeatedly that I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God (you need to be assured as to Who is guiding your mind, spirit, and pen in this now familiar way) do not favor any particular political system. I do favor honesty and integrity, but these qualities are both present and absent in your system. I should favor a government that is openly and fully dedicated to Me, with Jesus Christ as the Head… “and the government shall be upon His shoulders.” Still, I know that this would encourage exclusion, rivalry… and, finally, bloodshed in the Name of the Prince of Peace. So the “perfect” government would turn out to be as imperfect as that which is supplanted.

You are quite aware that, as Jesus, I rejected this role of earthly King and would not take the government or the governing role upon My shoulders. The government in that place and at that time was not a good government for My people, the Jews. As the Messiah I was expected to overthrow that Roman, Gentile power and restore freedom and order to Jewish life. I rejected that “assignment”. I wouldn’t even consider it. And I still will not.

The voting today may suggest that your country may become more socialistic, with those who have being forced to give more for those who have not. That will be difficult to implement, for it is not at all clear who the haves and the have-nots are, except in the extremes. Yours is both a rich country and a poor one. You are rich in resources, both human and material, but you have borrowed in amounts that can never be repaid. If faith would ebb your richness would appear quite tarnished.

How will those elected today govern? Will the government be based in competitiveness and divisiveness? Or will cooperation prevail, with a sense of the need for sharing and love, which is the fruit of the spirit. If your culture is to thrive those who are the “losers” today, both the candidates and their supporters, must be willing to be governed by those of whom they do not approve. For many this would mean going against principles, and hence it seems better to work against those elected, even rejecting compromises. You see, don’t you, why I don’t endorse any particular form of government. Mine remains a spiritual kingdom, which cannot be a model for earth life, apparently.

Consider this analogy. Many of My devoted servants are Roman Catholic, with allegiances to priests, bishops, and, finally, to the pope. Other equally devoted servants gather in small churches, homes, or other buildings to worship and learn of Me, with no ties to other groups of churches. Leadership arises from the group, for I do anoint some to lead. Your church is somewhere between these extremes, a representative democracy in congregations, but with connections to higher representative judicatories. Worship services have a way of being related to the governance, from the set and liturgical to the spontaneous and “spirit-led.”

TUES., NOV. 3, 1992, 6:20 AM

Today is the day toward which much time, human energy, and money have been pointed, in this democracy of yours. At the end of this day some shall be pleased and elated, while others shall loudly lament what “the people have done”. Yours is a very complex system, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. There are no systems clearly better, so yours is unlikely to see much change in the near future. Yet, if your economic system does not perk up soon the political system may be in jeopardy . . .

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