Government And “Health Care”

TUES., NOV. 17, 1992, 6:28 AM

You see, o son, I’m sure, that I have spoken often enough about government, the economic system, and what, politically, is called health care that you should be considering this as the theme of your next Ruminations. This is a unique time in political history, and you have tangible evidence that I, the Holy Spirit, do have some guidance and other observations about this aspect of modern life. Have little doubt that I have observations about this current human scene. Though I am basically satisfied with the balance of earth life I am not enamored of any one system of government or one economic system.

In your current representative democratic system “the people have spoken”, and a new President is gearing up to take office, to be accompanied by a new staff. In one sense this shall be a “new government”, with more power to have legislation enacted. Yet the conservative… and ultra liberal… representatives still have some power, so passage of much legislation is not guaranteed.

I am not concerned with any particular legislation, even as I see some benefits to proposals. I am interested mainly in the spirits of individual humans and how that spirit is growing back to relationship with Me. The actual conditions of life are of little consequence in this concern. Some who are poor, as the government judges such, have marvelously developed and developing spirits, while some with excessive riches are spiritually poor. There is no necessary correlation, of course, but I just don’t see a great abundance of spiritual action coming out of “ideal” governmental or economic systems.

Your system is democratic in that there are elections which reflect the desires of those who vote, in majority terms. The beauty of this system fades when much of the actual decisions are made by political staffs, not elected, and much influence is exerted by lobbying groups, selfishly motivated, in their competition with other equally selfish groups. Money is a big factor in “buying influence,” and thus I see the actual beautiful system tarnished by non-spiritual concerns.

One of the important issues with which government must soon deal is what is called “health care”, but which is fundamentally medical care. It is not a system primarily geared to maintaining and improving health, but, rather, one that focuses on treating and curing illness and injury and on prolonging earth life for individuals. It is scientific rather than spiritual in its orientation to human patients, even as some of its practitioners and other employees work with some amount of spiritual motivation. Your system, presently, works well for some, less well for others, and rather poorly for some who truly need health care. It does provide jobs, directly and indirectly, for many people, and jobs are obviously important in the health of a money-oriented culture such as yours. Thus it seems probable that a major reform of the system to reduce costs would be at the expense of certain present jobs and the income these provide. The “government” does not necessarily manage an enterprise like health care any better than private companies, but if the present system has flaws that it can’t correct there is strong temptation to try another approach. Yet I observe that when competition flares up, spirit and its power and influence often wane. This needn’t be, but often is.

TUES., NOV. 17, 1992, 6:28 AM

You see, o son, I’m sure, that I have spoken often enough about government, the economic system, and what, politically, is called health care that you should be considering this as the theme of your next Ruminations. This is a unique time in political history, and you have tangible evidence that I, the Holy Spirit, do have some guidance and other observations about this aspect of modern life. Have little doubt that I have observations about this current human scene. Though I am basically satisfied with the balance of earth . . .

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