Government, Yet Again

FRI., DEC. 22, 1995, 7:18 AM

The impetus for this title, on a cold, dreary morning in a reasonably warm study, is the emphasis on Jesus as King (which you sang about yesterday), the troops going to Bosnia, and “a little dirt in the ocean”.

The three Biblical kings that you’ve read and taught about lately had to be warriors. There was fighting that had to be done and, therefore, troops that had to be led. David was the one who “put this altogether” in the best way. He was My chosen one… imperfect, but faithful and humble when that was necessary. Solomon was not the personal warrior that David was, but he had My gift of wisdom, so he ruled for a rather long time, but also realized the futility of striving for success.

So, this is the season the songs and Scriptures of which remind you that I, as Jesus, was of the house and lineage of David and that I was “born a King”. I was to fulfill the prophesy of being the leader that the Jewish people needed. The wait had been long. Now the “time had arrived”. I was born in David’s town and of his lineage (well, sort of). My birth was a humble one, but 3 kings from countries to the East came to bring gifts and symbolically affirm that I was to be royalty. The only story in Scripture concerning My childhood was the one about disobeying My parents, staying behind in the temple with the rabbis and impressing them with My knowledge and maturity.

But next I was a grown man, with a mission, and I was baptized in a humble way. I seemed to have some of the qualification of the “hoped for” king, but I showed only one sign of being a warrior. I angrily turned over the tables of the money-changers in the temple, but this was an outburst against an accepted Jewish practice, not against Roman rule.

At the end of My life I was “betrayed”, but the purpose was to put Me into a situation where I had to show forth kingly behavior. I could stand up to Pilate and establish Myself as the king who would lead His people back to independence. I rejected that opportunity. Instead I went to the cross with meekness, saying, “My Kingdom is not of this world”.

I did not take the government upon My shoulder. I, as the Triune God… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… am here and am influential in this earth, but mainly in helping individual spirits grow and develop. Oh, the earth is a better place because of such spirits, but it is perfect only be definition. It is the realm I want it to be, a unique realm that seems anything but perfect.

There is a fanciful story of the anti-Christ, who arises and unites the whole world, but not for My purposes. You see this as silly, and I did have that story included, out of My sense of fun. The peoples of the earth could not be united. I want diversity, and they cannot all be governed effectively in one way. Actually your representative democratic government is trying to be that healing, soothing, uniting anti-Christ. But you’re doing it with force, and that has only temporary results.

Your troops in Bosnia are an outside force, formidably armed (at unjustifiable expense, from My perspective) and ordered to “meet fire with fire”. This “presence” will make you more popular with some and less popular with others. Note that your country is trying to be the Rome of this time, the force that maintains the peace, but by force.

FRI., DEC. 22, 1995, 7:18 AM

The impetus for this title, on a cold, dreary morning in a reasonably warm study, is the emphasis on Jesus as King (which you sang about yesterday), the troops going to Bosnia, and “a little dirt in the ocean”.

The three Biblical kings that you’ve read and taught about lately had to be warriors. There was fighting that had to be done and, therefore, troops that had to be led. David was the one who “put this altogether” in the best way. He was My chosen one… imperfect, but faithful . . .

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