
THURS., SEPT. 15, 1988, 6:55 AM

Grace is the key concept in Christianity. And, importantly, it is the attitude I, the Triune God, take in relation to all humans. It is utterly unearned, unmerited forgiveness and acceptance. It is I reaching out to you, even as you do not respond. It is accepting you, fresh and new, no matter how many times you “mess up”.
7:00 / 7:10 It seems to represent less than a high standard in the relationship between God and humans.

Why do I offer grace? Why is grace so important? First and foremost, I offer it because I can and because I want to. I am the Supreme God, the Creator and Sustainer of life. I have great power and yet I don’t often use it. I have, on the one hand, great expectations for humans, and seldom do they meet these. On the other hand, I am perfectly aware of the spiritual development of each and every human on this earth, and I can be very realistic about what to expect. I offer grace as the ultimate encouragement to set your spirit “on higher things”. You don’t have to accomplish any hard tasks. You just have to be, transformed by grace.

Grace is important because it reinforces the truth that I am the Initiator. I do not wait for you to come to Me. I reach out to you, constantly, with this wonderful free gift. You refuse. I offer again… and again.

Grace is important because it is positive. And, of course, I have given you Scriptures, even some of what I, as Jesus, said, that urge you to good works, right conduct, and the avoidance of satan and his hell fires. These can be powerful and compelling, and, practically speaking, are as much a deterrent to the acceptance of grace as any secular force. I’ll only say that this is My approach, and thus it must be the best one.

Grace comes in many “forms”. It can come in the ritualized absolution of the Catholic Church. It can come as the gift of tongues in a charismatic gathering. It can enter the consciousness of a person in solitude, perhaps in the woods. It can be realized in the studying of Paul’s letters. And oh, so many more modes and guises. Because I have created humans to have differences, one from another, I just offer grace in many diverse ways. Seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

Grace is a great energizer of the spirit.
7:36 / 8:14 AM
When your spirit responds to grace it does its unifying task much more effectively and makes you more aware and more appreciative of opportunities for service and for relationship. So grace, while it doesn’t come because of your activity, does result in more activity. A common view of Christianity is that by hard work in overcoming the evil tendencies in your body and mind you build up enough good works to achieve salvation… eternal life with Me in heaven. My death, as Jesus, made this possible, but you still have to live a good Christian life (especially with no sexual misconduct or indiscretions) in order to receive this reward. This view is particularly appealing to many Americans with a strong work ethic. And it is not untrue. This is a valid Christian path. It is consistent with some Scripture, particularly with My teachings as Jesus. There just is a better way.

I have called you to the path of grace. You did not deserve it, and you do not deserve this continuing close relationship with Me, the Spirit. You just accept it, as offered, and then your life almost naturally is one closer to My wishes. There is no behavior that is necessary and none that is forbidden. Under grace you are free, in the true sense of freedom. Yet it shall be rare that your life is other than exemplary… courtesy of your energized spirit.

Because of this description some Christians, even, cannot accept this grace, so freely given. It seems too “cheap”, too “easy”. So I have to have other, harder paths, with restrictions and many threats of hell and punishment. Never deride these. Just gently affirm that there is another, more joyous way.

THURS., SEPT. 15, 1988, 6:55 AM

Grace is the key concept in Christianity. And, importantly, it is the attitude I, the Triune God, take in relation to all humans. It is utterly unearned, unmerited forgiveness and acceptance. It is I reaching out to you, even as you do not respond. It is accepting you, fresh and new, no matter how many times you “mess up”.
7:00 / 7:10 It seems to represent less than a high standard in the relationship between God and humans.

Why do I offer grace? Why . . .

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