Grace, Again

AUG. 10, 1980, 6:46 AM

There is much to learn about grace, o son, and this seems like a proper Sunday morning to learn some more. Yes, reread the one you typed and shared with Lisa. Then we shall go from there.

Good. Grace is My Given Way. It is free access to Me, with no strings that I attach. But as persons truly accept Grace and come to Me for this free gift they feel impelled to live in ways pleasing to Me. The gift does not require it, but it almost always brings forth devotion from a spirit warmed. It is somewhat silly to still call what I first presented as Commandments… Commandments. Under grace they are guides as to what you shall probably feel like doing or not doing. The Commandments were before grace and were the basis of My judgment in one era. They are still in force for those who do not truly accept My grace… including some Christians and church-goers.

But for those who accept My grace they have become reflections of “natural” conduct. “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” That can be a command that one tries to keep out of fear, but after experiencing grace it is the only way you can be. Oh, you may spend a brief spell being overconcerned about money… or a time overcommitted to your job… but grace gently admonishes – “Seek ye first the Lord, and all that you need shall be given thee.” If it is not given in some way, know that the Lord God and His/Her Holy Spirit knows that this is not necessary… at least at this time.

You worry from time to time (less so now, it seems… but then this is still the fat month of August) about money… no, you’re right, you worry about paying bills. In order to be truly concerned you must feel that you are responsible and it is only through your efforts that any solution can come. Under grace you accept that I shall provide all that you need. I “provide” in a wide variety of ways, and the way I use most with you is arranging ways for you to work and “earn” that which is necessary.

Know also that some situations are a test of your faith in Me and My grace. There is one aborning now, so gird yourself. You shall be tempted to lament. But hold firmly to My gentle hand, and I shall lead you to the resolution I desire.

Accepting that I do something to or for you is an immature perception. Steps toward enlightenment bring knowledge that I work in and through you, empowering you to thoughts and deeds not possible without Me. As events happen, be aware of their full significance, and appreciate, particularly, how I am involved.

Grace allows you choices about matters karmic. Since karma is fundamentally “meeting yourself” and seeking to improve self its significance melts under the canopy of grace. Under grace you have become a new person, so why meet the old one? Interestingly, you might behave in ways that would successfully fulfill a karmic responsibility, but you would be doing so as a free response to My grace rather than for karmic reasons. All karmic responsibilities need not be fulfilled, but many will be because grace encourages this “better behavior”. Some will not, because you are a new person, and service to Me is more important than “balancing minor books.”

Under grace is the best way to live, whether the length of your life is hours or years on end. It is what some might call a “positive addiction”, for once into such a life there is strong motivation to continue. But hear again that I do test. Grace is not always the easy, carefree way. But tests are for a “time” and for My good purposes. Tests can let you know “how you’re doing”… often only a confirmation of what you already know.

This that We do together is a fine example of grace. I freely give you of knowledge and insights you could get no other way. You just need to “tell your story” and let others know of this fine state.

Rest this day, not as a Command, but as a response to grace.

7:52 AM