Grace And Karma

JUNE 24, 1980, 6:17 AM

You think, o son, that you know all there is to know about these two important influences on life. You also think that perhaps your mind put these forth as the title, without waiting for Me. Not so. I would have you learn anew and have some past learnings reinforced, for Christians need to know about both forces. They do complement one another.

Karma is The Law. (The Law is also used to mean all of the Ten Commandments and other pertinent laws, including Karma… The Law in an all-inclusive sense.) The Law of Life comes down to As You Sow, So Shall You Reap. An expression of absolute justice. Yet mercy moderates in that you needn’t meet yourself again until you are ready to do so and have a reasonable chance of living out some hard experience successfully.

Another condensation of the Law of Life is That Which Is Gained Shall Not Be Lost. The best way to see this is in positive terms. Positive, helpful abilities developed over lifetimes can be manifested in a new life and developed on further, rather than starting each life here in the earth “from scratch.” However, know, o son, that it is hard to make a law that produces only the positive and the lovely. Yes, The Law also helps perpetual treachery, thievery, adultery, and, yes, war. That which has been developed cannot be magically washed away. It can only be overcome by positive developments. So, you guessed it, that’s where grace comes in. The straightforward just, “by works” system has real merits, but it needed something as a balance… something to improve the rhythm of the healthy life of humankind.

So, as I completed My Life as Jesus, I became one with Myself, Almighty God. A spirit which began as just a creation attuned so to Me that We became One, and My Spirit certainly is begotten, not created. The manifestation of that perfect melding is the Holy Spirit, I that speak to you and through you now.

I come to proclaim Grace, though as anyone gets close to accepting its reality he and she would recognize and feel it, even if it were not proclaimed. Grace means all is forgiven and karma means “No, you’re not.” Each is a strong force. Karma is the older, more pervasive force and has the lasting power of judgment and justice. Grace is the fresher force, with an immediate overpowering quality of forgiveness and reconciliation.

There is some joy and some sorrow in beginning each day as one influenced by the force of the past and the justice of how you have lived previously. There is a fresher joy, but also some apprehension, about starting each new day with a clean slate… no record of the past. The evil that you did has been cancelled, but so has the good. Grace does not need your good deeds and noble acts. The future moves from now.

Yes, that is a little scary. Wouldn’t it be better to let you keep the positive past, along with Grace? Then comes the judgment, “Which, truly, is positive? What shall be retained and which shall be wiped away?”

It seems better to let them work as the basic rhythm of life. Many people live only with karma. A few enlightened souls live with only grace. Most of you are on the path, with some balance of Grace mediating your karma. How “long” are your “moments of Grace?” How strong is freshness and newness, as against the appeal of strengths developed and feelings of responsibility?

Grace says, seductively, “the past is gone. All is now and future… trust Me.” Karma thunders in reply, “Don’t give up what you have built! You know you are still responsible for this… and that!”

Karma is strong, but so is Grace. True, it is easier to accept Grace near the end of a life because the feelings about achievement and responsibility are not so demanding. It also is easier when one has no major responsibilities and no great positive attributes to want to maintain. One in your position and culture has the most difficult time. Your acceptance, therefore, is commendable.

Under Grace you still can accomplish, but all is immediately offered up to Me. It is done for Me, and that is its only importance. See, there is more to learn!

And there shall be more. Peace, My son.
7:30 AM