Grace And Positive Health

JUNE 18, 1980, 11:26 AM

I am pleased, o son, that you build this meditation into your busy life here. Worry not about missing your responsibility yesterday. What you were doing was as worthwhile as the discussion group, and the group you finally went to was instructive, though you are not quite sure how, right now.

Today We need to reflect upon and connect two important realities, about which you have been talking already today. Grace, of course, is fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. Pseudo-grace is an important mental health necessity, for it involves experiencing and accepting forgiveness from others… and then forgiving yourself. Forgiving self, means that you don’t carry burdens and guilt over into new life situations and lessen your capacities to function in the new, because of the impairment from the past. So, in positive, holistic terms, mental/emotional balance involves balancing learning from the past with the need to be as free as possible from lingering concern over events past and actions taken or not taken.

But true grace… yes, Grace… while it affects mental/emotional balance, is fundamentally human/spiritual interaction. First, it is an interaction with Me as Jesus. I completed My lives in the earth, accepting fully the righteousness of Me as God. (Sounds strange when I try to communicate it in words). I, as a human, both realized My spiritual development, and still had to doubt it or question it because of the apparent life situation in which I was. But I succeeded and achieved what each might… not by works, but by spiritual attunement. Because of this I, as both God and Jesus, give Grace to you and to all… the offer of righteousness unaffected by thoughts, words, and deeds of yours. As long as your spirit is given to My Spirit your sins are forgiven, and what you do becomes righteousness.

In order to make this known and functional I come as the Holy Spirit to instruct and to support and to say, “Yes, you heard right… you are forgiven… you are in Me, and I am in you.” Spiritual development is necessary in order to hear this message, truly, and in order to truly internalize it and make it a natural part of your functioning.

A developed physical body would make it possible for you to run some distance, bicycle across town, or play volleyball. Heredity makes this easier for you than for some others. The reality of karma (making the wellspring Heredity/Karma) means that development from past lives, spiritually, can make the acceptance of grace easier. So… in like fashion to the physical, the developed spirit makes acceptance of the forgiveness of God Almighty not only possible but easy. You are unworthy, but you realize that and accept it. Even if what you do and how you live seems to make you less unworthy, you still have not merited My Grace.

If you are positively healthy you learn from the past and its mistakes and successes and then you accept Grace. This insures that guilt over mistakes is an absolutely unnecessary burden. It also insures that feelings of pride over things done well also are left on the alter. Grace cancels sin and it also cancels pride. If you try to let Me accept your sins and the guilt natural to them, but want to keep your successes and the pride which is natural to them, you are not fully in Me and accepting of Grace.

Interaction with Me, as it is in healthy relations with other people, is a sharing of everything… the good as well as the bad. With others there is usually some natural withholding, often for good reasons. With Me, under Grace, the sharing is complete. You give Me what you don’t want and also what you want most of all… and everything in between. Then when you are wiped clean I give you everything you need for the next moment of life… hour, day, month, year… forever.

This is positive because it frees you and empowers you to function more fully and to adapt more lovingly and more creatively. The essence of positive health is… how well do you function? Others may function as well as you do without grace. But could you? And could they function even better with it than without it?

You are seeing how these come together. You shall make important contributions to the understanding of others.

12:15 PM