Grace Is Fundamental

FRI., JUNE 8, 1984, 5:59 AM

The conversation last evening was concerned with matters of spirit and matters relating to My Way and My Kingdoms. It was not a planned conversation, but it certainly was a worthy “use” of an evening here in Hawaii. It should not surprise you, o son, to hear that I have some comments thereon. Hear of these.

You spoke well when you identified grace as the belief (yea, the knowledge) that is the heart of fundamentalism as I teach it to you. The most fundamental fact of the Christian faith is that My death and resurrection, as Jesus, resulted in grace, forgiveness, and shalom. You don’t have to do it yourself. Salvation is My gift, and, being saved, you are free to live life as fully as the opportunities offer. This means that you are free, in Me, no matter what the physical and social circumstances of your life.

Now I realize that you don’t have much of a challenge in this respect in your present life. It is no great task to feel freedom in the life that you are given to lead, socially, professionally, and financially. Yet may who are in equally (or more) secure positions in life struggle with a sense of self, with purpose in life, and with fulfilling expectations, supposedly from Me, which are constricting rather than freeing. Fundamentally, I want you to be free to live this earth life and to grow in spirit therefrom.

But, you may ask, fundamentally, why do not all who hear this message of grace and salvation accept it and live the life that its acceptance insures? What happens to the Me that is a God of wrath, anger, and judgment? The answer is yours to know and for Me to repeat. Spiritual growth and maturity are necessary before this gift can be accepted.

In mathematical understanding you are above average for the humans on the earth now, but your capacities stop way short of those friends whose profession is mathematics or statistics. You are limited in what you can do mathematically, whereas they are free to deal with complex problems and achieve answers you could not envision. You know such development is possible, and you had a start, in your college career, toward mathematical sophistication, but your capacities were limited and, hence, your motivations suffered.

It is like unto this in matters relating to spirit. Of all those who hear of grace and forgiveness… My Way… only a few have the capacity to accept it fully. Yet being in the Church, hearing and studying the Scriptures, hearing and responding to good preaching, praying, and serving in various ways in My Name… all are ways to growth. Some with great maturity live in other religious traditions. Otherwise these would fade away. Any religion, including My favorite, Christianity, would fade and die without some number of spiritually mature servants in each generation. Tradition alone cannot keep a religion alive.

FRI., JUNE 8, 1984, 5:59 AM

The conversation last evening was concerned with matters of spirit and matters relating to My Way and My Kingdoms. It was not a planned conversation, but it certainly was a worthy “use” of an evening here in Hawaii. It should not surprise you, o son, to hear that I have some comments thereon. Hear of these.

You spoke well when you identified grace as the belief (yea, the knowledge) that is the heart of fundamentalism as I teach it to you. The most fundamental fact of the Christian faith is . . .

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