Grace Is Sufficient

MON., JUNE 30, 1986, 7:26 AM

Life is what I give to you. Your creation was not earned. Rather, it was a conscious decision I made. With My creation you became a separate consciousness, and the journey began.

As you said about the short trip just completed, it was to be, and was, an adventure. So, too, a total life is an adventure, and any part of that (such as a particular life in the earth) can be more of an adventure. Of this trip, the rain and the leaking carburetor were the most adventurous. Other portions were smooth and free of trouble… and of adventure.

Your present life is not a super adventure, but it is above average. You know about My grace, and you know that whatever happens this grace is sufficient to carry you through. Abilities, skills, and talents you have, and these can be utilized and be helpful in life situations, but some of the adventure diminishes when you know that grace is sufficient. The greatest sense of adventure comes when you feel that you alone are responsible and “in charge.” A life in the earth can provide that kind of adventure quite fully.

When you look to Me, in response to My call, you accept that your powers are not sufficient, but it is rare that the true immediate response is that grace is all-sufficient. You know that your developed capacities are still to be utilized, and therefore you form a partnership with My grace.

But let’s look at a more ultimate picture. At the end of this life, be it today or twenty years from now, you shall be judged. Part of that judgment will be – what have you done with your life? How selfish have you been? How much and how little have you lived for others and for Me? In effect, how have you used the abilities and capacities of this earth life… that for which you were responsible?

The other part of the judgment will be – to what extent have you accepted My grace? To what extent have you truly accepted that the consequences are Mine alone. You do what you can, but grace is sufficient to “handle” the consequences of any personal action on your part. The more responsible you feel the less you accept the power of grace. Still, you cannot will such a shift quickly. It must come with the growth and maturity of spirit.

On this trip you acknowledged My presence and My powers, but you still were giving much thought to what you should do, if the adventure should become more exciting. As you envision and imagine being completely dependent on grace and My capacities you wonder whether any action would have been taken, to avoid rain damage or to fix the leaky carburetor. Would a more advanced soul merely waited for My intervention… or would such a soul have let others take the initiative and then given Me all the credit? I cannot tell you this in any way that you can understand, for you can only comprehend what your maturity allows. Your interest is appreciated, however!

MON., JUNE 30, 1986, 7:26 AM

Life is what I give to you. Your creation was not earned. Rather, it was a conscious decision I made. With My creation you became a separate consciousness, and the journey began.

As you said about the short trip just completed, it was to be, and was, an adventure. So, too, a total life is an adventure, and any part of that (such as a particular life in the earth) can be more of an adventure. Of this trip, the rain and the leaking carburetor were the most adventurous. Other portions . . .

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