Grace Is The Priority

FRI., FEB. 8, 1991, “12:27 PM”

This cool day has been full of spiritual experiences, and you are participating in them in quite satisfactory ways. You are here, as you should be, adapting to circumstances to set out a time and a place to hear from Me. For it would be rather foolish for you to be so busy with spiritual matters that you wouldn’t have time for words from Me, that Holy Spirit Whom you all have prayed to this day.

I say to you, in a familiar tone and also in the context of what you have discussed, that grace is the priority. It is a priority for Me, for I know the mistakes that so many of My servants make, and I am so aware of ambivalence toward Me and the culture you are in. I say, “Come to Me”… as many times as it takes. I forgive sins many times. And why? Because this is My best way of helping souls to see what life truly is about… and the best way of encouraging the growth and maturation of spirit that is My desire… My most fervent desire… for My human creation.

It should be the priority for you because you truly have no doubts about the true reality of this gift. It is grace that has made you bold enough to write down what you hear… and bold enough to tell My good servant Mike, just now, that you are in communion with Me. It is grace that continues your acceptance by Me and therefore an acceptance by you of yourself. You know that you are not worthy of this attention (as you put on your poster), but grace tells you that I say, “I don’t care”. Come as you are, and because of this you become sainted. You are not a saint because of your wonderful, selfless deeds, but merely because I bless you as such.

The value of this weekend experience is in focusing almost entirely upon the importance of this relationship with Me – as Jesus or as the Holy Spirit, as it is your privilege to have. Otherwise your priorities would be several and scattered. You would be attending to mundane or otherwise important tasks, with little thought of connection with Me. This is a uniquely different adventure. It is both real and unreal. It is real as you are experiencing it. Yet it is no more your normal life than this camp is. It is another both/and. You needn’t try to determine which it is.

But what does grace do to the various standards for spiritual, religious, and “ideal” behavior? You observe that grace supercedes punishment for misdeeds and is a force against justice. Should this be so? Well, it is one of My gambles. I trust that as you are forgiven and accepted you will be truly encouraged to live a more positive and a less sinful life. Oh, I can invoke justice. I can mete out punishment. I can hold to high standards. And I do function this way in some circumstances and with some people. But grace is My favorite way. Know that I can never be limited to any prescribed way of dealing with humans. I know you all too well. Never limit Me nor cease to be surprised at My ingenious actions.

My way of grace might seem too risky if this earth life were all that life is. The non-acceptance or rejection of grace is a painful realization for some as they pass on over into spirit form. What couldn’t be seen in earth life is seen very clearly beyond, and appreciation for My ways may, even as it is delayed.

( “1:11 PM” – “1:14” )

I realize this is a difficult way to complete a Teaching, but know that grace abounds, and you hear Me, in the midst of quiet or noise. The way of the Christian, of which you are one, is a journey of gentleness, in relation to your fellow humans and the earth. Continue to live, in joy, this life that I give, with My grace. Communicate your life style to others, in words and in just the way you are. Be conscious about how you are… but not too conscious.

Grace comes in some variety of ways and styles. You needn’t try to validate your experiences. Never present them as the way, but only as your way. Yet you can attest that, as this title says, Grace is the priority. All other priorities are, finally, less important to spiritual growth.
You will need to develop an analog to grace to include with your definition and description of a spiritual dimension to health. Forgiveness and acceptance, of self and others, is what spirit does to free itself to grow. Focus not on times and circumstances when this seems to fail, but on the ways in which it increases functioning (Whew!)

and Amen
“1:26 PM”