Grace, Yet Again

SAT., NOV. 2, 1985, 6:41 AM

Your attention wanders this morning. You are here physically, but you seem unable to control your chattering mind so that you may learn from Me. I am patient, and so are you, fortunately. You know that it is time for a Teaching, and you would not consider leaving without one. Good. It now is time to listen.

In your group last evening there was a healthy consideration of grace. Several descriptions and interpretations were offered, and I must say that yours is improving with each oration. As you express your understanding of this gift of Mine your understanding improves. So be sure that you listen to yourself as well as to others in any sharing of spiritual insights.

Karma is justice, and grace is mercy. That’s simplified, but it is basically true. Karma is your opportunity to work toward reunion with Me. Grace is your free pass, in the express lane. Yet until you have the spiritual maturity to accept My grace continuously you keep ducking back into the “work your way” line. Actually, you lose the perception that this is My world, that I am in charge, and that spirit is the true, eternal reality. Then it is easy, even logical, to be concerned about money, career, accomplishments… to be a responsible secular citizen who wants to do “right” in many respects.

Grace encourages a different “world view.” In such, I am in charge, and I am quite willing to transform your life, guiding your actions and helping you grow in spirit. You don’t really have to do anything, but you have opportunities to do and accomplish, and you realize that many of them are arranged by Me. Under grace (which, yes, is the same as enlightenment) you are no less “productive”, even in earthly terms, but your motivations are quite different. You are accomplishing because you and I are partners and the opportunities are just presented.

You wrote the church newsletter night before last, and you had been thinking of this as a chore to do. You even thought about giving this up, of being freed of this responsibility. Fortunately, you settled into a semi-state of grace as you wrote it. It is not a task, but an opportunity. You can do it with little effort when you are in a state of grace. It is your opportunity to tell people about events and happenings in your own way, which is increasingly influenced by Me. When you truly accept grace you can accomplish much, because you are not worrying about what you should do or how you should do it. You do it in your best way, as a gift back to Me, leaving the consequences to Me. Bravo!

You are concerned about not being as productive, professionally, as you have been. You do have some more contributions you can and should make to your field, but your balance is about right now. If you didn’t go to the convention you could make such a contribution, but would that be better than your presence there, particularly if you have a new Ruminations to contribute. I shall be interested to see how you decide. Just know that either choice is a good one if you do it and carry through under My grace.

SAT., NOV. 2, 1985, 6:41 AM

Your attention wanders this morning. You are here physically, but you seem unable to control your chattering mind so that you may learn from Me. I am patient, and so are you, fortunately. You know that it is time for a Teaching, and you would not consider leaving without one. Good. It now is time to listen.

In your group last evening there was a healthy consideration of grace. Several descriptions and interpretations were offered, and I must say that yours is improving with each oration. As you express your understanding . . .

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